emlio33 | 4 points | Apr 27 2021 02:49:44

Allergy Cures

I noticed my seasonal allergies are practically non-existent after taking IVM. Anyone else?


[-] Alpha_pad_385743438 | 3 points | Apr 27 2021 08:07:03

Not non existent for me, but much improved.


[-] Reddie_Mercury | 3 points | Apr 27 2021 09:45:13

it seems that some allergies can be tied to e.g. Strongyloides infection.

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27566864/ :

Conclusion: Serologic testing for strongyloides may be indicated for patients with allergy-type symptoms and a suggestive exposure history. Patients with strongyloidiasis and *primarily cutaneous symptoms* experienced significant symptomatic improvement after ivermectin therapy.


[-] Reddie_Mercury | 1 points | Apr 27 2021 12:33:33

(not saying that this is what happened in your case, I just searched and found the first result already interesting)


[-] TehCaster | 1 points | Apr 27 2021 10:33:14

Depending on where you live, lockdown and masking measures could also explain less exposure to pollen and thus diminished allergies.

But yeah, studies exist, at least on mice: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21279416/
