thumpsky | 17 points | Apr 26 2021 01:04:13

I’m noticing that they will ban you if you even utter the slightest suggestion that there are alternatives to the vaxx

I won’t name the subreddit


[-] elmatador43 | 6 points | Apr 26 2021 02:27:56

The bots have been bought and paid for by the powers that be. Be careful.


[-] TheAfricaBug | 5 points | Apr 26 2021 09:20:03

On Reddit I suppose it depends a lot on who moderates the subreddit in question. On FB I tend to use JPGs with info instead of text. And if JPGs come from another source (like the one of the seminar with regards to existing medicines vs SARS-CoV-2), then I alter them slightly (crop, fiddle with the colors). This way the FB algoritms don't pick up on it.


[-] jzero4242 | 3 points | Apr 26 2021 06:15:09

It that the "big main sub"?

I feel like there is a crackdown going on recently, I've just been banned from "speading misinformation" but I was of course not.

2-3 months ago the tide seemed to be turning, but I guess they got real paranoid after that and are banning people for anything and everything.


[-] RogerKnights | 2 points | Apr 26 2021 19:28:56

Don’t worry, we’ll have the last laugh.


[-] tikapikalol | 2 points | Apr 26 2021 02:28:28

This is correct.


[-] baconhealsall | 1 points | Apr 26 2021 07:39:55

I'm shocked that this very sub has not yet been killed.

Probably only days away...


[-] dadbot_3000 | 1 points | Apr 26 2021 07:40:16

Hi shocked that this very sub has not yet been killed, I'm Dad! :)


[-] GetOffThe1nternet | 1 points | Apr 27 2021 06:07:10

I was from conspiracy sub of all places...

Just posting videos of DOCTORS talking.

The deferral of all authority to nebulous organizations is insane.
