Inner_G84 | 26 points | Apr 25 2021 05:31:10

Joe Rogan points out censorship of ivermectin, he was blocked on twitter when trying to inquire about the efficacy...


[-] TheAfricaBug | 7 points | Apr 25 2021 08:22:50

He should do an interview with FLCCC!


[-] runderwo | 1 points | Apr 26 2021 06:04:35

I emailed his producer back in December asking him to have Dr. Kory on the show and even offering to put my money where my mouth was. No response.


[-] 1joe2schmo | 5 points | Apr 25 2021 18:37:40

Once again, the twitter corporate fascists take a position that is well beyond the position of the WHO and the NIH.

The WHO does NOT say that Ivermectin is ineffective. It does not recommend Ivermectin being taken outside of a clinical trial.

But, riddle me this "Twitter", why would the WHO ALLOW for Ivermectin to be taken WITHIN the context of a clinical trial if it had already ruled out its effectiveness?!?!?!!


[-] ecraft23 | 1 points | Apr 26 2021 00:08:35

What exactly you eluding to? Are you for IVM or against it??


[-] runderwo | 2 points | Apr 26 2021 06:06:01

He's against Twitter fact-checking claiming ivermectin has been proven ineffective while WHO recommends it be used in clinical trials, which means the question is still officially open.


[-] Ghosts_of_Astronauts | 3 points | Apr 25 2021 05:43:54

What’s the time stamp for when he starts talking about ivermectin?


[-] Inner_G84 | 6 points | Apr 25 2021 05:46:46

1:32:53/92:53, speaks on it for about a minute.


[-] Ghosts_of_Astronauts | 1 points | Apr 25 2021 15:52:10

Thank you!


[-] 1joe2schmo | 1 points | Apr 25 2021 18:44:14

If you are listening for it by clicking the link above, it starts around the -1:40:00 min mark.


[-] foggynotion | 3 points | Apr 25 2021 18:00:30

massive exposure, this is great!


[-] HeeeeeyNow | 2 points | Apr 25 2021 11:41:12

We need a Kory interview on Rogan!


[-] jambazinni | 1 points | Apr 26 2021 01:36:56

The whole podcast is amazing.
