tikapikalol | 27 points | Apr 25 2021 02:00:54

Ontario Physician Offering Assistance



[-] tikapikalol | 4 points | Apr 25 2021 02:20:40

In response to someone unable to get Ivermectin prescribed in critical stage in hospital.

Link to conservation: https://twitter.com/DrP_MD/status/1386107158106972163?s=19


[-] migrod1 | 4 points | Apr 25 2021 02:54:19

Criminal that you need a lawyer for treatment.


[-] tikapikalol | 3 points | Apr 25 2021 03:36:04

Update: Health Canada is blocking Ivermectin



[-] Spallumcheen | 3 points | Apr 25 2021 06:35:51

A very big thank you to you, Dr. Phillips. Besides you and, I believe Dr. Ira Bernstein, we’ve had few doctors in Canada offering early treatment which could have helped so much to avoid the stress on our hospitals. I believe doctors can certainly prescribe ivermectin off-label for prevention and early treatment (it also works for variants), even if Health Canada does not endorse. However, an even bigger obstacle appears to be supply. It seems only one maker and brand (Merck with Stromectol) are licensed in Canada and stock is reported to be exhausted. It is surely the responsibility of our government to authorize and ensure a supply in this crisis. Thousands have died in this country for want of early treatment and prevention including ivermectin, Vitamin D, zinc. There are other very promising safe, cheap substances such as cochicine, fluvoxamine, budesonide, and quite a few more. A petition to the House of Commons closed for signature today. I hope everyone interested has signed and that it will get attention. Please let your MPs, health ministers, doctors know about the mountain of scientific and real world evidence at flccc.net and https://www.e-bmc.co.uk/ - if possible before any HoC debate. There is no conflict here - we need all the therapeutics, vaccines and natural immune boosters available.
