TehCaster | 8 points
[Paper] Ivermectin against COVID-19: The unprecedented consequences in Latin AmericaA veterinary trying to discredit physicans works. I´m sure he will cama around when Bill Gates and Medincell launch their injectable version of ivermectin as a preventive treatment against COVID-19. https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210419005656/en/Clinical-Trial-Conducted-by-MedinCell-Confirms-the-Safety-of-Continuous-Administration-of-ivermectin#.YH_T0YJTN3o.twitter
So a veterinarian writes basically a news article and this gets peer-reviewed and published by the NIH?
[-] my-tech-reddit-acct | 2 points
Received 2021 Mar 30; Revised 2021 Apr 7; Accepted 2021 Apr 14.
Not much peer review going on there.
I'm going to have to admit to some trepidation at continuous long term use. That's not how this is usually used.
I'd agree. There's a difference between prophylaxis a single dose a week for many weeks and continued long-term treatment if things don't improve.
I'll also agree in the article that Brasil turned into a bit of a shitshow with not a lot of planning around distribution treatment and dosing guidelines.
[-] loonygecko | 8 points | Apr 24 2021 23:37:27
None of this is studies or research, it's just conjecture and hearsay. It's common in many third world countries for hospitals to be in short supply and get over run in any year, them getting overrun only means something if it's significant compared to normal years. Notice they never mention any stats for that. Also I have heard from many Brazilians that their hospital system in particular has been plagued by this kind of problem for many many years. This reminds me of all the drama about over crowded hospitals in the USA in 2020, only for me to personally talk to nurses and being told it was a normal year for most locations. THe media loves its drama and big pharma has paid off a lot of writers.
Also we always say follow the FLCCC guidelines for dosing. If a few people out of 213 million Brazilians decide to pop that stuff like candy, you can blame the media for scaring the hell out of them so they feel terrified enough to over do something to avoid the rona. ALso if you have a parasitic worm load and take iver, those mentioned side effects are common due to the worm dieoff, there's probably a percentage of peeps that had worms and didn't know it, now they'll have to handle the die off but it's still better than having worms. Luckily iver is pretty safe and if you over do it, you can just stop taking it and recover. Also there is zero evidence that iver could in any way contribute to getting the rona, in fact all evidence is to the contrary. However if you take it, it does not last forever, you could still get the rona months later. If really means little if they said they once took it without having any info as to how much and when and it also does not tell us if they got very sick or not. All this article is really telling us, assuming the vague hearsay is even true, is that a lot of peeps over there are apparently taking iver at some point.
And all that drama about 'environmental impact' makes it sound like the whole thing was a hit piece from the start, there's no indication that wide spread use of iver causes any problems, unless you are a worm that is. Iver has been widely used throughout the world and is often blanket prescribed to entire regions to eradicate worms. If you want to talk about damage to the environment, the wide spread littering of mask and PPE is surely far worse. And people have gone blind and gotten liver damage from hand sanitizer with sketchy ingredients, maybe peeps should stop with the hand sanitizer too since it's so dangerous? I'd rather get the trots than go blind, that's for sure!
[-] cptncrbro | 1 points | Apr 26 2021 18:11:16
In Peru even was an attempt to ban IVM for environmental reasons. This came out as a twitter and social media campaign tagging the ministry of Health and the Ministry of environment, demandign to stop its use. I found that same argument later in other latinoamerican news too.
[-] loonygecko | 1 points | Apr 26 2021 21:18:43
Iver has been widely used for decades including regular blanket dosing of large populations and never once has there been an environmental concern. It specifically targets parasites, you can even give it to fish safely. And it doesn't even kill the parasites directly, it just impedes the mechanism parasites use to hide from immune systems. THe fact that it does not operate like a poison is why it has minimal affect on the environment. Meanwhile people are sucking down more dangerous stuff like other pills, exogenous estrogen and hormones in milk/meat, etc like candies and no one utters a peep. I think it's pretty obvious big pharma is looking for any kind of excuse to shut down an affective treatment that if acknowledged would block the legality of emergency use vaccines since the emergency use designation can only be used if no ordinary treatments exist. THe existence of iver as a potential treatment literally risks big pharm losing billions of dollars. Of course they will try to block it.
Consider that most scientists work for big pharma too...