arcp32 | 2 points
India/Uttar Pradesh: Why so hard hit? Where is "Ivy"?Does anyone have any insight into why India is being hit so hard right now? Specifically even Uttar Pradesh? Did they restrict or stop using IVM? Everything I've seen makes the situation look absolutely horrifying- and my husband's boss (who is from India) is there visiting now and did confirm that it is "bad" there. (I do not know his exact location in India)
[-] stereomatch | 4 points
Please see this thread for why ivermectin use was probably not that huge, given Uttar Pradesh (the oft-quoted shining example of ivermectin use) has a population of 240M and probably they have not used even 24M doses of ivermectin in Uttar Pradesh.
Thread also examines the question of whether variants may be causing escape:
Came back to share this possible insight!
[-] Ghosts_of_Astronauts | 1 points
What a great read! Thank you!
[-] drkprinz21 | 4 points | Apr 23 2021 19:27:02
From what I've heard, manufacturers are now working full shifts to make millions and millions doses of IVM in India. I think they now recognized that this will help control their cases as they are running out of vaccines. I hope it will better from here. Lesson Learned : Don't stop taking IVM even if you are vaccinated.
[-] arcp32 | 2 points | Apr 23 2021 20:52:34
Oh, I won't stop taking it for quite some time! I also take an antidepressant that works like the fluvoxamine. So I'm hoping that is also helpful. Thanks for your reply!
[-] drkprinz21 | 1 points | Apr 23 2021 21:25:50
What's the name of the drug?
[-] arcp32 | 1 points | Apr 23 2021 21:52:19
I take "Pristiq" or the generic name for it is Desvenlafax.
[-] drkprinz21 | 1 points | Apr 23 2021 22:00:20
Interesting. Never heard of it. Are there any clinical trials on covid-19 for this drug?
[-] arcp32 | 2 points | Apr 23 2021 22:14:06
See here under the tab "FLV"
[-] arcp32 | 2 points | Apr 23 2021 22:17:47
So, they are not the exact same drug (Pristiq and Fluvoxamine) but they act on the same receptors and, if I understand correctly (and I'm no scientist) it has the ability to reduce inflammation or the inflammatory response to Covid19. My husband works in Psychiatry and understands/explains it way better than I can, haha. Hopefully the link helps.
[-] drkprinz21 | 1 points | Apr 23 2021 22:28:05
Yes, I think they are both used as anti-depressant and maybe for OCD.
[-] arcp32 | 3 points | Apr 23 2021 22:50:37
Yes- I personally take Pristiq for anxiety. But I think both can be used, like you said, for OCD, depression, etc.
[-] magebane1 | 1 points | Apr 24 2021 01:19:41
Jelly. I don't have anti-depressant meds but could probably get them. Regardless I'm going to continue with prophylaxis weekly with IVM and step the dosing up to 0.4mg/kg. Also I take 8000 IUs of Vit D a day and 1g of niacin. Feeling reasonably confident.