TehCaster | 19 points | Apr 23 2021 11:28:02

The phenomenal Dr Jackie Stone of Zimbabwe, interviewed by MedicalUpdateOnline

It's a 5-part interview, always including video and transcription of pretty much all of it in the text below. But highly recommended to watch:

1/5 https://medicalupdateonline.com/2021/04/the-impact-of-ivermectin-use-in-zimbabwe/

2/5 https://medicalupdateonline.com/2021/04/how-ivermectin-works-and-how-this-plays-out-in-practice/

3/5 https://medicalupdateonline.com/2021/04/managing-covid-19-with-ivermectin-in-zimbabwe/

4/5 https://medicalupdateonline.com/2021/04/the-patient-experience-of-ivermectin/

5/5 https://medicalupdateonline.com/2021/04/lessons-from-the-zimbabwe-ivermectin-experience/

It seems to me that this so-called 3rd world country has managed to do much better than US, UK and EU combined...

You can also wait for the full interview in a single youtube video that will be released tomorrow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtoOw9VqjI0
