Tha_Dude_Abidez | 21 points
"An Unlikely Nation Is Kicking This Pandemic. Guess Which. Then Why." What's changed in India? Serious question as I used India as an example in the argument for Ivermectin. Did they stop handing it out or did is the mutated strain not being protected against. This is concerning.
I guess it means that linking India's success to Ivermectin was wrong and they don't use it as massively as was thought and as would be needed to stop the virus. Or it was enough for the old variant and isn't enough for the new one. It's not a miracle cure after all.
[-] Tha_Dude_Abidez | 6 points
If I remember correctly and I wished I could find the comment, I think it was /r/COVID19 which is very science based, there were different sections in the country that received packages with zinc, ivermectin and antibiotics. I just have been overwhelmed with seeing images out of India and that country is getting hammered right now. It's worrisome as I kind of held their protocol to the highest standard as they did so well in the first wave. I'm hoping that maybe the program was discontinued and can be ramped back up but that's just a hope, not sure if it was ever discontinued. I'm just hoping this mutation of mutations they have isn't going to breakthrough any treatment including Ivermectin
[-] sneakpeekbot | 1 points
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#1: Stanford researchers confirm N95 masks can be sterilized and reused with virtually no loss of filtration efficiency by leaving in oven for 30 mins at 70C / 158F | 1110 comments
#2: Number of people with coronavirus infections may be dozens of times higher than the number of confirmed cases | 1443 comments
#3: At least 11% of tested blood donors in Stockholm had Covid19 antibody as of last week. | 1197 comments
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[-] newtonma2020 | 5 points
IVM was and remains essential to India's success. What happened is that they are now having a variant that they did not prepare for. Specifically, this variant is more infective, and a different IVM prophylaxis protocol is needed (more frequent)... Their healthcare approach for Covid was reliant on home visits by health care workers, starting very early in the disease, to hand out drugs and monitor condition; and they always relied on IVM prophylaxis to keep health care workers healthy. They did not switch protocols, so their health care workers started getting sick (though not dying) and it became a manpower crisis. And with the variant being more infective, more people started getting sick, and without health care workers to visit them and prescribe medicine. So we got more severe cases, at which point the hospitals got overstressed. THEY WERE UNPREPARED FOR THE VARIANT. That said, all those high numbers must be taken in the context of the fact that their population is HUGE. When you normalize by the population, things are not so bad. They NEVER had enough hospitals and ICUs, so the fact that those are full does not really say that much.
[-] RogerKnights | 3 points
The growth in cases in Brazil needs explaining too.
[-] andysfkids9 | 4 points
I read that Brazil was using Ivermectin until its President, Bolsanaro, spoke out about it favorably (similar to when Trump talked about Hydroxychloriquine) and that was a death blow to the people's acceptance of Ivermectin because they hate Bolsanaro. Politics is killing people.
[-] RogerKnights | 2 points
But the left-wing press isn’t causing the increase in cases. If ivermectin is the near-miraculous drug we hope it to be, there should be shining islands where its use has kept cases from rising. I hope there is clarification soon.
[-] newtonma2020 | 3 points
What happened is that they are now having a variant that they did not prepare for. Specifically, this variant is more infective, and a different IVM prophylaxis protocol is needed (more frequent)... India's healthcare approach for Covid was reliant on home visits by health care workers, starting very early in the disease, to hand out drugs and monitor condition; and they always relied on IVM prophylaxis to keep health care workers healthy. They did not switch protocols, so their health care workers started getting sick (though not dying) and it became a manpower crisis. And with the variant being more infective, more people started getting sick, and without health care workers to visit them and prescribe medicine. So we got more severe cases, at which point the hospitals got overstressed. THEY WERE UNPREPARED FOR THE VARIANT. That said, all those high numbers must be taken in the context of the fact that their population is HUGE. When you normalize by the population, things are not so bad. They NEVER had enough hospitals and ICUs, so the fact that those are full does not really say that much.
[-] Affectionate_Market8 | 1 points
What type of protocol should we use now? As far as Ivermectin? Are we talking like one dose a week? Jeez?
[-] newtonma2020 | 2 points
Basically twice as often as before. The leading Covid doctors have updated their protocols, you can look them up.
Only some States in India use Ivermectin. Most of the others just follow occidental standards of care. I've seen on french Tv a guy in New Dehli saying they were running out of oxygen and remdesivir...
[-] shaunak_dey | 2 points
Almost everywhere in India, ivermectin is used. Very difficult to explain the sudden surge in wave 2
[-] Independentthink767 | 2 points
Or maybe a vaccine driven adverse reaction with new wild variant that could have been very mild but due to vaccination it has become very pathogenic. Delhi has been hard hit. It would be interesting to know how many sick were vaccinated
[-] Affectionate_Market8 | 1 points
Shit.... looks like the days of Ivermectin being a silver bullet are coming to a close
....son of a b
[-] MossyCathedral | 2 points
I wanted to know the answer to this as well. Uttar Pradesh adopted Ivermectin use as early as last August. Many people credited it for keeping cases low there. But now, that region is currently the hardest hit. What went wrong?
There are 240 million people there, so this new wave just overwhelmed hospitals and they weren't able to give out enough doses?
[-] Affectionate_Market8 | 2 points
perhaps not enough doses..... rememebr prophylaxis protocols require less doses than when people are already ill....
or maybe it has mutated and ivermectin aint shit anymore....
[-] stereomatch | 2 points
Please see this thread for why ivermectin use was probably not that huge, given Uttar Pradesh (the oft-quoted shining example of ivermectin use) has a population of 240M and probably they have not used even 24M doses of ivermectin in Uttar Pradesh.
Thread also examines the question of whether variants may be causing escape:
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
[-] andysfkids9 | 7 points | Apr 23 2021 04:09:49
It is my understanding that Uttar Pradesh, a state in India with about 200 million people, is using Ivermectin. But obviously not every state, or they wouldn't be having such trouble now with so many cases.
[-] Pitiful-Gate-2043 | 4 points | Apr 23 2021 04:59:51
My understanding as well. They have weathered better than other states but I looked today and their numbers are increasing but no where near the death rate in the US so far.
[-] akaariai | 2 points | Apr 23 2021 06:50:09
Yeah. If you believe their numbers they are somewhere around 300 to 400 deaths per US population.
The two questions are if those numbers are accurate, and if the numbers will keep on climbing.
It is also hard to know just how systematic the use is, and how early it can be given in practice.
[-] shaunak_dey | 2 points | Apr 23 2021 11:26:29
All states use ivermectin, Uttar Pradesh is in a bad state right now as the virus is out of control