RogerKnights | 28 points
These Brave Doctors are Upholding Their Hippocratic Oath & Putting Patients—Not Profits—FirstAn 8-minute YouTube video of brief statements by over a dozen doctors's pro-ivermectin talking points. Impactful. By the FLCCC.
[-] thelimeusa1 | 1 points
It’s still easy to get this drug if you believe in it for yourself
[-] PrepperLady999 | 1 points
Yes, these doctors are heroes. They are taking a lot of heat. They have compromised their livelihoods for the good of humankind. Seriously.
Please consider donating to the cause at Also, Dr. Tess Lawrie has a GoFundMe page - please consider donating there, too. (Note, however, that I attempted to donate to Lawrie's GoFundMe page and couldn't - probably because that page is UK-based, and the bank associated with the debit card I tried to use is US-based.)
[-] scaramangaf | 3 points | Apr 19 2021 15:59:17
Sadly, there is no way for them to make their case without condemning the entire medical establishment and HOW evidence based medicine is being practiced.
They should get to it. Make the argument that decision making is broken (demanding 100% certainty) when 90% will do just fine and save hundreds of thousands of lives. And the only way that this can happen in a meaningful way is through legal action.
The reality is, stupid and/or lazy people are running the asylum and they need to be toppled.
[-] lemallette | 2 points | Apr 19 2021 21:39:15
Agree totally.
Evidence based medicine means the doctor uses the best evidence he/she has available, while simultaneously contributing as much as possible to the advance of knowledge (evidence).
In a pandemic with a potentially deadly virus each moderate or high risk individual can be treated with an agent that is supported by evidence that is even as low as 60% certain, if the treatment is extremely unlikely to do harm and is very inexpensive. That we are greater than 99% certain (from 3 or 4 different meta-analyses of the 16 randomized trials to date) that IVM is beneficial, it is malpractice to avoid using the drug.
It was institutional arrogance on the part of NIH to say that the drug shouldn't be used outside of a randomized trial when they and no one else was funding such a trial in the USA. Fortunately they corrected that after Dr. Kory's testimony. Now, as Dr. Tess Lowrie pointe out, to initiate such a randomized trial is unfeasible, because very few people properly informed of the current evidence would volunteer to be randomized to ivm versus placebo.