TehCaster | 9 points | Apr 17 2021 14:47:46

[Paper] The Time to Offer Treatments for COVID-19



[-] TehCaster | 3 points | Apr 17 2021 14:51:53

Looks like this was already online in March, but was missed? Authors include Dr. Kory and Dr. Marik and the treatments discussed obviously include Ivermectin.

Speculation: in one of FLCCC webinars, Dr. Kory says that some lower-grade drug recommendations can be given based on expert opinion and jokes "Hey, I'm an expert! Use it!" This paper is a formalized expert opinion to help arguing for such recommendation :P


[-] machinelearny | 1 points | Apr 18 2021 19:59:10

Must have been sponsored by big ivermectin!
