stereomatch | 10 points | Apr 16 2021 15:07:30

Sidelining of the innovative physician in COVID-19 and the ivermectin controversy ,(April 16, 2021) - Peter Yim reviews for TrialSite News the current state of ivermectin approval


[-] stereomatch | 3 points | Apr 16 2021 16:27:06 Sidelining of the innovative physician in COVID-19 and the ivermectin controversy


April 14, 2021

... A flash point in the growing conflict over the use of ivermectin in COVID-19 is a recent article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). The clinical trial described in the article was physician-initiated. The trial showed improvement in the resolution of symptoms in COVID-19 patients but the trial result failed to reach statistical significance. Notably, the trial also involved profound ethical violations. In spite of that, the study has been cited by both the EMA and the WHO to justify their recommendation against the use of ivermectin in COVID-19 except in clinical trials. This conclusion has been challenged in an open letter to JAMA by a group of over 100 physicians who wrote: “We oppose this fixation on randomized controlled trials at the expense of other clinical and scientific evidence and urge medical policymakers to restore balance to the practice of medicine.” As drug repurposing has come under more control from the medical authorities, there is a correspondingly greater need for transparency of those authorities. As has been reported earlier, the COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel has been less than transparent. A particularly concerning issue is whether votes have been held to endorse recommendations. As strange as it may seem, the NIH has not been able to confirm that a vote was held on the latest recommendation on ivermectin. That has now led, unfortunately to a legal confrontation under the Freedom of Information Act that entitles journalists and others access to federal government records. In summary, the process for drug repurposing has undergone a subtle but important change in response to the pandemic. The physician-centric model has been displaced, in the US, by a more centralized, governmental model. Choices of medications for COVID-19 are now strongly influenced by the views of the members of the COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel.


[-] Stickittodaman | 2 points | Apr 16 2021 22:41:54

Why is Merck against the use of Ivermectin for COVID-19?


[-] TehCaster | 3 points | Apr 16 2021 22:45:04

IVM is off-patent so they wouldn't make significant money by investigating it. They have new drugs in the pipeline for COVID early treatment.
