okayatarter | 8 points | Apr 16 2021 11:14:07

Did anyone here take Ivermectin? Someone I know just got tested but has access to this med. Please share how much to take and when? Urgent.

Hi guys, I'll be extremely appreciative of any help here. I'm just seeking some info on how to take the meds. Would 6mg, twice a week, be enough?

And what time of the day? With meals?

Sorry for so many questions, just going through a lot in my head.


[-] stereomatch | 6 points | Apr 16 2021 12:44:05

Dosing varies, but there is a doze dependent effect being acknowledged increasingly.

Check out this post:

https://www.reddit.com/r/ivermectin/comments/mrwyjm Gustavo Aguirre Chang (Peru) group's recommendations for higher dose ivermectin for the newer variants - calls for typically double the dose of the FLCCC I-MASK+ protocol for pre and post-exposure prophylaxis



And what time of the day? With meals?

Ivermectin has 2.5x higher bioavailability with a fatty meal.

The other recommendation to take ivermectin on an empty stomach is from it's use as a dewormer (presumably taking on empty stomach gives higher concentration in the gut/intestinal tract).

However for systemic availability that you need for covid19 etc. - it is recommended to take ivermectin with a meal for 2.5x bioavailability.


[-] cptncrbro | 2 points | Apr 16 2021 14:15:25

This seems to be working with the variants in Perú.


[-] Mickysovsky | 6 points | Apr 16 2021 21:17:43

I´m using in my patients 0.4 mg/kg/d x 5 days. With meals.

H2O2 3% 5 cc nebulized 1-4 times a day.

Vit. C 10 gr./d, Vit. D 5000 ui/d, Quercetin 500 mg/d, zinc 50 mg/d Antibiotics if needed.


[-] serpouncemingming | 1 points | Apr 17 2021 00:09:54

What's the success rate of this protocol so far?


[-] [deleted] | 5 points | Apr 16 2021 11:19:53



[-] stereomatch | 3 points | Apr 16 2021 11:57:50

Manually approved comment. Since otherwise ivermectin4all is site-wide banned currently by reddit spam filters.


[-] tikapikalol | 3 points | Apr 16 2021 13:41:30

Can u see me now? 😜


[-] iResistDe4iAm | 3 points | Apr 16 2021 13:52:53

I can see ivermectin4all


[-] stereomatch | 2 points | Apr 16 2021 13:47:22

I have added you to Approved Users - let's see if that allows ivermectin4all to be visible to others.

View the webpage in an incognito/private window in your browser to check if others can see Ivermectin4all posts on r/Ivermectin.


[-] gonja619 | 1 points | Apr 19 2021 07:45:51

Is there a prevention for low risk individuals? I’m in my mid 30s. Also, can I take a multivitamin to cover the vitamin D and C and possibly zinc too?



[-] leeoco7 | 5 points | Apr 16 2021 12:48:15

Yes, it helped me a lot when I had Covid in Jan. Your friend must start taking it ASAP!!! The sooner the better. Follow FLCCC guidelines (I-mask protocol)


[-] Blockchain_Evolving | 3 points | Apr 16 2021 13:33:55



[-] heinerprahm | 2 points | Apr 16 2021 11:25:00



[-] jasq50 | 1 points | Apr 16 2021 22:04:22

See flccc.net for recommended dosages of ivermecectin. iMask+ protocol.


[-] jasq50 | 1 points | Apr 16 2021 22:09:34

It takes 2 weeks for Vit. D to become bioavailable as its active metabolite. Some suggest taking a large slug of it as a loading dose, say, 30,000 IU in one dose. It’s a fat soluble vitamin so take with a meal.
