Oombaloo333 | 2 points | Apr 14 2021 22:31:46



My almost 80 beloved stepmother has come down with sepsis and now admitted to the hospital. It must be noted that she had the first Pfizer jab in Nov 18 and the second on Feb 18.

She has auto-immune and other issues.

I’m desperately seeking serious advice to pass on to my sister who is there now, who can pass something on to her physician.

Would ivermectin be of use here?


[-] jimfam | 3 points | Apr 15 2021 01:48:21

IVM would probably not be of use, if it's bacterial sepsis.


[-] johnFvr | 2 points | Apr 14 2021 22:50:31

Mega-dose Vitamin C: Is “Mega-Dose” IV Vitamin C Required for Septic and Critical... : Critical Care Medicine (lww.com)

FLCCC Hostpital protocol: MATH+ Hospital Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 [v9 – updated Feb 25, 2021] (covid19criticalcare.com)

But this is for covid. Never heard about Pfizer Sepsis. Probably not appliable.


[-] Oombaloo333 | 1 points | Apr 14 2021 23:13:28

Thank you so much, you good soul, you! I have already sent that protocol to my sister who doesn’t believe in the ivermectin “phooey”.

How would one approach the ER doc with this info?


[-] pricknstab | 1 points | Apr 15 2021 01:06:57

I wish I could find the info now, but learn about patient rights. She isn't a prisoner, you probably have more rights than you think, but you might need a lawyer. Sorry I can't help more.


[-] machinelearny | 2 points | Apr 15 2021 04:08:27

Dr. Marik (the same one that's behind MATH+) defined a sepsis protocol (which is the basis for the MATH+ protocol). It is called the Marik protocol and based on high dose of Vitamin C. But, as with COVID, it is very important to start it as early as possible. If you're going to need to fight with doctors to get them to do it it is probably going to be too late, they must also apply the protocol correctly. Just hope she's in a hospital that already applies the Marik protocol.


[-] stereomatch | 1 points | Apr 15 2021 10:59:46

Dr Paul Marik protocol (also author of MATH+ protocol) for sepsis includes:

Check out Medcram videos on sepsis and high dose vitamin c:

https://youtu.be/sTdrIlOGnfI Shock and Sepsis Explained Clearly (Remastered) Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Pathophysiology MedCram - Medical Lectures Explained CLEARLY Nov 10, 2017

There has been a strong anti vitamin c bias and trials have been made afterwards to disprove it works. Many doctors think this protocol doesn't work.

However many ICUs still follow Dr Paul Marik's protocol because trying it cannot hurt.

Here is Dr Paul Marik's presentation on sepsis:

https://youtu.be/W12ZgJfylrU Sepsis: A clinical overview Paul Marik Oct 9, 2020

This lecture reviews the clinical aspects of sepsis, from pathophysiology, to diagnosis to treatment. The target audience is physicians with an interest in sepsis.


EDIT: if she was taking steroids from before for her pre-existing auto-immune diseases, there is a possibility of covid19 viral persistence - if she was infected by the actual virus (not vaccines - which don't give live virus).

Usually live virus is dead by day 8 from first symptoms. It is the high viral debris which provokes a continual immune response (post-day-8 hyperinflammatory stage).

But live virus has been seen for 100+ days post-recovery in immunocompromised patients. Presumably their pre-existing immunosuppressived state may not fully clear out the live virus by day 8.

For these people Ivermectin may help.

Ivermectin may help also if spike protein is a culprit - since Ivermectin seems to act against or cloak the spike protein - ie disrupting the spike protein's possible clotting effect.

However, vaccines wouldn't keep producing spike protein for too long - unless of course the cells which are affected by vaccination to express spike protein on their surface (to provoke an antibody response) are not being killed off by the body or something (can that happen in an immuno-compromised patient ?).


However if vaccine was the culprit, most likely there seems to be an inflammatory response, for which the sepsis protocol mentioned above may help.

Which most ICUs may be aware of already.

But you could ask if they are using the vitamin c - Thiamine - methylprednisolone cocktail.


[-] Oombaloo333 | 2 points | Apr 15 2021 16:15:45

WOW. You all are SO AMAZING. Thank you so much for this incredible information. I will take it all under advisement. Current update is that my step-mother as of this moment is still awaiting blood test results. There is nothing conclusive yet.

I'll keep you posted!
