fokatinsaan | 11 points | Apr 14 2021 19:01:57

Ivermectin as prevention. Please help!

2 days back my mom(62) came in contact with someone who is now a covid positive. I want to know how I can use ivermectin to prevent my mom getting covid. I can get the drug i work in a Pharmacy. Please tell me how much of ivermectin should i give her and for how many days. Thank you so much


[-] johnFvr | 11 points | Apr 14 2021 19:05:27

I-MASK+ Prophylaxis & Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 [v9 – updated Feb 25, 2021] (

Post COVID-19 exposure prevention 0.2 mg/kg* per dose — one dose today, 2nd dose in 48 hours

You should give them 2 doses. One right now, and the other 48 hours later. The dose is 0.2mcg/kg.

So for example for a 80kg person, 0.2*80=16mg.


[-] landude1 | 1 points | Apr 14 2021 21:19:22



[-] fatoctober | 1 points | Apr 14 2021 23:41:42

I am familiar with this protocol. What is the reason of the 2nd dose in 48 hours if a person will do a weekly or every 2 weeks interval as prophylaxis? Appreciate the answer. TIA!


[-] stereomatch | 2 points | Apr 16 2021 05:22:32

I am familiar with this protocol. What is the reason of the 2nd dose in 48 hours if a person will do a weekly or every 2 weeks interval as prophylaxis? Appreciate the answer. TIA!

I think the one dose and then another after 48 hours is an opinion - since we don't really know what is an optimal dose. This may be from the earlier time when people were still not sure about giving higher doses of ivermectin. However since then doctors have become more comfortable giving 12mg for 5 days. And higher in some cases. Or as situation demands.

But we do know that ivermectin has dose-dependent effects - from the Gustavo Aguirre Chang papers on reversal of taste/smell with high dose ivermectin + aspirin. And also from the papers in the meta-analysis - even Dr Andrew Hill refers to the the likely dose-dependent effect i.e. higher dose gives more impact.

But if you are just doing pre-exposure prophylaxis, then single dose every Sunday (or every other Sunday i.e. 14 days - as currently recommended by FLCCC) is usually what is recommended. Since presumably it doesn't matter if you take it on one day or two days - the impact will be same a few days later (unless of course if we find out there is some relevance of timing by 48 hours or such - but that is unlikely to be the case, unless someone has hard evidence suggesting such interaction issues - for example some metabolites of the earlier dose somehow give synergistic effect with the second dose of ivermectin or some such - but I don't think there is evidence or any hint of such i.e. the 48 hours is arbitrary).

However, in certain situation, an astute doctor may use a different dosing strategy - for example as in the example above in original post, if the patient is known to be exposed - and a few days have passed already, this means you just have a few days left until the live virus peaks.

If you can catch it before the live virus peaks at day 5 (which is when first symptoms also occur) - then you have a good chance that the patient may not show any symptoms i.e. may be an asymptomatic patient.

And let's say viral peak is about to happen tomorrow or day after tomorrow, then you will try to front-load the ivermectin i.e. give more of the dose on the first day, and then follow up for 2 more days with regular dose.

Anyway, this is not a hard and fast rule - but is just seats of pants thinking a doctor may do.


[-] fatoctober | 2 points | Apr 16 2021 05:47:02

Perfect! Thank you!


[-] BernieTheDachshund | 3 points | Apr 14 2021 21:05:15

If it's a 3 mg tablet she could have at least one and then another a couple of days later. Usually it goes by weight and some people recommend higher doses. When my grandma (91) and mom got covid in January they dosed at .1 mg per 10 lbs, which is pretty low compared to others. But granny never developed a single symptom. My mom only had a runny nose. It helped my sister about 3 weeks later with long-hauler symptoms. So definitely a helpful medicine.


[-] Excellent-Garden1718 | 1 points | Apr 15 2021 04:35:28

If you are saying that she should have one 3mg tablet now and then another 3 mg tablet in a couple of days, most of those who are informed on the topic would say that's much too low of a dose.


[-] BernieTheDachshund | 1 points | Apr 15 2021 05:46:37

Yes, it's a low dose. It was effective for my family members but I don't know how much OP has access to.


[-] my-tech-reddit-acct | 2 points | Apr 15 2021 02:37:00

Due to variants, G. Aguirre is recommending more, higher doses of ivermectin. I don't know the research behind this, the doc at the link speaks of a practice:

For our part, in medical practice we have observed greater resistance to treatment by the Variants, requiring higher doses and a greater number of drugs to be able to treat it.


[-] machinelearny | 2 points | Apr 15 2021 12:06:28

Add nasal spray and mouthwash to the prevention strategy, something we have all kinda forgotten about. Safe and effective.


[-] stereomatch | 1 points | Apr 16 2021 05:31:25

Add nasal spray and mouthwash to the prevention strategy, something we have all kinda forgotten about. Safe and effective.

Yes, this is also effective according to many studies - esp. in few days immediately after exposure.

If nothing else, can wash with water even.

The idea behind this is that the initial infection is typically in the upper respiratory tract - and flushing the area with nasal drops or washing with water, and gargling, will tend to prevent that infection from travelling down (or will reduce the viral load) - down to the lower respiratory tract and larger exposure to the body.


[-] liebestod0130 | 1 points | Apr 14 2021 21:42:30

Hopefully you can access it easily where you live.


[-] iResistDe4iAm | 1 points | Apr 15 2021 00:42:38

FYI, readers can also refer to the Quick Guide to Ivermectin post:

The Summary section lists the 2 protocols published by the FLCCC Alliance.


[-] Ok-Objective-6297 | 1 points | Apr 15 2021 13:00:04

Please go to the doctor and explain this very situation and ask them to assist, prescribe something for her.


[-] machinelearny | 1 points | Apr 16 2021 12:45:28

How's it going? Any symptoms? And what precautions have you taken?


[-] magebane1 | 1 points | Apr 16 2021 21:50:32

Also take with fatty meal for optimal asborption. There's new studies recommending 0.4mg/kg for the new variants on this group, but I think the FLCCC dosing should be fine.


[-] machinelearny | 1 points | Apr 17 2021 12:51:56

Please give some feedback on how it's going, I think everybody on this sub are concerned for other's well being and would love to know how you and your family is doing if you have the time to report back please let us know.
