TehCaster | 15 points
FLCCC WEEKLY UPDATE - Dr Eric Osgood talks to Dr. Jackie Stone of Zimbabwe[-] Ivermectin4all | 2 points
Interesting to note that Eric was asked not to talk about the prison time piece.
So what is known about that?
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
[-] Ivermectin4all | 1 points
Only this 👇
Hmm a bit bummer that Dr. Stone mentioned some slides with data to share in the beginning, but then they never got back to it.
[-] Ivermectin4all | 2 points
I know right. I wanted to hear more.
[-] Inner_G84 | 3 points | Apr 08 2021 15:06:20
I pray Dr. Stone continues to stay healthy and she to work uninterrupted and safely.