jingoba | 4 points | Apr 07 2021 16:31:46

looking for online DR positive covid test+++

I have Severe Primary Sjogren's Syndrome with cystic lung changes and marginal zone lymphoma of the lungs in remission. I also have CVID with no detectable IGA or IGM and IGG of 367mg/dl.

I have been following the I-mask+ protocol for at risk individuals since Jan using horse paste. On

Mar 18th I popped a low grade fever 99.8f and took a dose of Iv with the intent of a second dose on day 3, but forgot

Mar 22 I felt severe fatigue and body aches and took a dose of Iv

Mar 24 I took my regular bi-weekly dose fevers remained 99.4-99.8 only in morning for about 2 hours

April 1 I had low back pain with my normal(now) low grade fever and I realized the early outpatient protocol had changed from when I first saw it and I began a five day course of Iv, the back pain improved each day with no improvement of low grad fevers

April 5 I completed the 5 day course and still have low grade fever with no significant body aches, I also tested positive with an antigen test that day.

April 7 today fever 99.4 in the AM and O2 sat of 98 sitting still with pulse 88-90, not unusual for me

I visited Dr Syed Haider's site but he is not licensed in WA state and would not make referral because my case is to complicated, so I am here looking for a doctor recommend and any feedback on options.

I have only experience low grade fever, body aches and some stomach upset.

I believe I had covid in Dec 2019 I had loss of taste, low grade fever, body aches and anhedonia. I typically use cannabis medically but felt ill enough that I quit on day 2 or 3 and by day 4 or5 had dry cough with significant pain. I know a dry cough is inflammatory for me and that cannabis has been more effective than inhaled steroids so I reluctantly smoked a bowl and began to improve each day (lung and stomach wise), the fevers lasted another couple of weeks. I had what I would cellular level fatigue that lasted 9 month and abdominal discomfort that has been resolving with help a functional medicine Doc. My taste resolved about 6 weeks after day 14.

I think it may be possible that I had latent covid in my gut and this more of flare than a new infection, my wife who had her first Moderna injection 12 days before I had symptoms, has tested negative with no symptoms. She has low IGG, diabetes and Chronic GVHD from her bone marrow transplant.

I have an immunologist who thinks I'm doing fine and says their are no treatments for me, he has heard of the I-mask protocol and has no interest in it or other alternatives.

So I'm looking for a Doctor willing to deal remotely with a complicated patient.


[-] stereomatch | 2 points | Apr 07 2021 17:47:21

Beyond day 8 if a patient has fever and other symptoms - esp lowered oximeter readings, or elevated pulse rate, or is usually related to inflammatory condition rather than viral persistence - or at least inflammatory is the dominant part of it. These symptoms resolve if post-day-8 a patient is given steroids - often by next morning the symptoms like fever or elevated heart rate can resolve.

If still issues remain, then viral persistence may be a possibility (more likely in those who were immuno-compromised). And organ damage can take longer time to recover from.

I don't know if your preexisting condition allows you to take a short course of steroids - but that would be the indication for a typical patient.

Can you ask Dr Syed Haider if their office can refer you to some early treatment doctor who would be comfortable treating you or at least sees patients from your state.

See if you can get a referral for Dr Mobeen Syed (Dr Been on YouTube) - he sees patients also. And used to be listed on the lists of but later was not there - perhaps became busy with his videos on covid19.

But I think he still sees some patients.

Perhaps you can join one of his online sessions on YouTube and ask there too about getting an appointment.


[-] stereomatch | 1 points | Apr 07 2021 17:37:31

Is there a doctor for your state in the FLCCC and other lists mentioned in this post:

The FLCCC website has a list of early treatment telemedicine doctors - the links for those are given in this post:

https://www.reddit.com/r/ivermectin/comments/malbqw/telemedicine_doctors_dr_syed_haider_an/ Telemedicine doctors - Dr Syed Haider - an interesting telemedicine doctor and emerging resource for Ivermectin and Fluvoxamine
