Director_Quirky | 18 points | Apr 07 2021 13:21:34

Conflict of Interest Study

Does anyone here have the resources to do a conflict of interest study. I think the public needs to know who exactly are the top tier folks at WHO, FDA, AMA, and the vaccine producing drug companies, as well as the “peers” on medical journals review boards and the journal editors. What are their relationships? What are their histories? What are their incentives? Et cetera. When I doing my masters degree I had a public health class and didna similar thing for high fructose corn syrup and discovered the “peer reviewed” literature was mostly in a journal that had been discontinued decades ago, then revived and staffed with the same phds that worked for the major cola companies. Their is so much conflict of interest in science and it has created a DISC, Eric Weinstein’s term he coined for the distributed idea suppression complex. We need to be able to have transparency and accountability at these top tier decision makers as they are the true gatekeepers and thereby have outsized influence on the world and our day to day lives.


[-] mekikichee | 2 points | Apr 07 2021 19:53:53

WHO whistleblower Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger has some interesting insights👇


[-] Director_Quirky | 1 points | Apr 08 2021 01:13:09

What the actual fuck?! Bill Gates again....


[-] machinelearny | 1 points | Apr 07 2021 23:27:35

It would be really hard to do, since it seems they don't provide this information. Try to find out who made any of the critical decisions/recommendations by the NIH with regard to Ivermectin. You won't get any information, they will just skirt the issue. The NIH has their conflict of interest page, it already lists a huge % of the people on their panel as having ties to the big drug companies - mostly Gilead actually (surprise surprise), but they will just tell you that it is impossible to get people without affiliations with drug companies, and they would be right. It would be good to try and get this information through legal routes perhaps, but one would need to ask very specific and precise questions. Like, who exactly was involved in the decision taken on date X to make recommendation Y. Please provide the minutes of the meetings. Etc.


[-] machinelearny | 1 points | Apr 07 2021 23:29:44

I think the one question that would be the hardest of all for an institution like the NIH to answer, would be why they did not fund any studies into Ivermectin. One could give them specific dates and refer to specific results that became public that showed benefit and ask them why they didn't do anything to achieve the level of certainty they said was required.


[-] machinelearny | 1 points | Apr 07 2021 23:30:10

Same with Fluvoxamine and Melatonin


[-] machinelearny | 1 points | Apr 07 2021 23:32:04

Vitamin D (calciferol) also


[-] Director_Quirky | 1 points | Apr 08 2021 00:32:29

Wow thanks for responses. I read PHARMA by gerald posner and it was really illuminating. I would recommend it. Im thinking we need the likes of mr posner, a savvy investigative journalist to cover this story.
