TehCaster | 26 points
Reminder: Merck has explicitly refused request of Satoshi Omura to do a IVM clinical trialYou might have noticed this in the Kitasato University paper http://jja-contents.wdc-jp.com/pdf/JJA74/74-1-open/74-1_44-95.pdf depending on how closely you read it. I was reminded by the Whiteboard Doctors coverage and I think it's good to point this out explicitly. Merck has refused Satoshi Omura himself (and his colleagues) to investigate IVM for covid. A nice response to anyone making the Merck statement argument...
Kitasato University, based on the judgment that it is necessary to examine the clinical effect of ivermectin to prevent the spread of uncertain COVID-19, asked Merck & Co., Inc. to conduct clinical trials of ivermectin for COVID-19 in Japan. This company has priority to submit an application for an expansion of ivermectin’s indications, since the original approval for the manufacture and sale of ivermectin was conferred to it. However, the company said that it had no intention of conducting clinical trials.
Ok, someone please explain then...
"Merck’s Stromectol (Ivermectin) Used in Hungarian Clinical Trial Targeting Mild COVID-19 Cases During Worst Pandemic Spike in Eastern Europe"
But in this case it might be a local distributor involved. And there seems to be no other news since.
[-] foggynotion | 3 points | Apr 06 2021 23:00:13
Wow.. nice find I missed that