HeeeeeyNow | 6 points | Apr 06 2021 21:31:56




[-] Director_Quirky | 5 points | Apr 07 2021 12:46:48

Thanks for post, this guy does a great job summing it all up. As a healthcare worker who doesnt want gene therapy, this message is extremely important. Its only a matter of time before the administrators try to force this a shot on me when ivermectin will suffice. So disheartening to be living through the inquisition of captialist medical scientism...


[-] sausageface123 | 1 points | Apr 07 2021 15:33:15

Wonderfully put


[-] HeeeeeyNow | 1 points | Apr 06 2021 21:32:28

Sites a little spammy but video loads without ads.


[-] TantricSushi | 0 points | Apr 08 2021 16:51:19

As he is obviously an MD with specializations to his credit, he can and does still believe in pseudo-science and if he believes in that how can you trust anything he says?

Two links showing his comments are either inaccurate or misleading:


St Luke's Chief Medical Office fact checking Cole's claims

Don't just drink the cool-aid, do your research first.


[-] HeeeeeyNow | 2 points | Apr 08 2021 22:02:31

Sorry but Iā€™d trust Dr Cole over anything that article mentioned. 100x dose required for Ivermectin? šŸ˜‚


[-] magebane1 | 1 points | Apr 17 2021 17:33:26


This is simply false that 100x dose is required. It's amusing they still only want to reference an in-vitro study from a year ago as their refernce point. Ivermectin doesn't need to kill 99.9% of the virus to be effective, it has many mechanisms of action. And yeah sure he might have a professional opinion that differs from others but to say he's not qualified to speak about . The fact checks cherry pick a few minor overstatements but he's not wrong. The fact check on #1 is not true. I lived in Toronto during SARS-CoV-1 and we had around 600 cases and 50 deaths primarily in 50+ patients. And it did just go away, likely as the infections started in February and we were heading into summer where Vit D serum levels were higher. There were some restrictions around care centers and hopsitals but NOTHING like what we have now. You could argue this strain wasn't as contagious, but the fact check is just looking at a country not impacted by SARS-Cov-1.

These fact check sites are now just more media tools for Pharma lobbyists to spin their tale and poke fake or ireelevant and insignificant holes in any mature conversation around finding truth.
