TehCaster | 25 points | Apr 06 2021 15:32:31

A new interview with the first Czech hospital doctor that used Ivermectin: "After 100 patients we feel it helps"



[-] TehCaster | 7 points | Apr 06 2021 15:35:39

Google translate: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://www.novinky.cz/koronavirus/clanek/primar-rezek-po-prvni-stovce-pacientu-citime-ze-ivermektin-pomaha-40356064

What I found most interesting is that he says that EMA (the EU authority) has some detailed "not commonly available" report, besides the well known short public statement against. I would be very curious to see that report.
