Inner_G84 | 6 points
"Britian to Launch Large-Scale Effort to Find Pill for Early Onset Mild-to-Moderate COVID-19: Will they Include Repurposed Generics in the Investigation?""After all, in America for example, most of the $15+ billion of taxpayer dollars gone into Operation Warp Speed vaccine and therapy development have been overwhelmingly for vaccines and then advanced therapies, such as monoclonal antibodies, which are not designed for early treatment for the home resting patient."
Ivermectin should be included. Finally silence the call for large scale studies and don't delay...
[-] Blockchain_Evolving | 3 points | Apr 05 2021 13:30:59
A public sector group led by a venture capitalist?????????
"The team is led by Kate Bingham, a biologist turned venture capitalist"
This will truly benefit public health.
The absurdity, I'm flabbergasted.