machinelearny | 33 points
The real question people should be asking the WHO and NIHWhy have THEY not done a conclusive large study of ivermectin months ago?
Being the worldwide reference scientific institutes, should they not have spotted the potential of Ivermectin weeks or months before Dr. Kory testified in the senate?
If we give them the benefit of the doubt, maybe they were busy, then at least on the 15th of December, by the very latest, both these institutions should have immediately started a large confirmatory trial to validate the effectiveness of Ivermectin shown, at that stage, to be a pandemic changing 75% to 85% reduction in mortality if used early.
There is really no reason for them not to be able to complete a large scale trial in 3 to 4 months. Have they done that? Did they even start yet? Do they even have anything in the pipeline? Or are they waiting for Bill Gates to tell them whether it works or not?
Really, everybody is focusing on them not approving it and questioning their conclusions, but what should really be questioned is not only that, but why have they not spent a dime on validating the results?
[-] TheInterceptor007 | 8 points
At this point it is very simple to that they asking for large studies on IVM so the people are not able to do them apart from Bill Gates which I am not sure if that will be good idea as he is pushing and have invested in vaccines already but big Pharma are not going to do studies on a generic drug as there is no money to be made. The studies we have so far are more than enough but they are ignoring it because the put all their bets in vaccine and because they make as emergency use for them if there is treatment the cenário may change and some people don’t like vaccines specially the mRNA ones. I think at this point should be neutral like the NIH and let the doctors and patients decide to take or not IVM. In Brazil for example is like that they are divided and the doctors and cities that adopted IVM as an early treatment have been very successfully. A lot of medication that are prescribed for some treatments does not have “the gold standard” trials so there is no excuses do not be at least neutral to IVM.
[-] RogerKnights | 7 points
Big Med should have got on the ball way earlier than December. It should at least have OK’d use at the start of July, even in a non-endorsing manner. Then there’d have been no need for lockdowns, given the great reduction in the deadliness of the virus. Trillions in economic damage could have been avoided.
[-] TurtleInTheSky | 6 points
A couple observations....
The disputed 80%-ish effectiveness is just huge. It's got to be hard to compare a new cancer therapy and figure out A results in a 55% 5 yr survival .vs. B is only 45%. But these IVM results return in 10 days, not 5 yrs. And we do these kind of cancer trials ALL. THE. TIME. (Because there's huge money to be made too. Doesn't hurt. But that doesn't change this IVM reality, right?)
Conversely, simply do the study to show IVM has <10% effectiveness or none.
If NIH, etc. are this corrupt, what else have they done? And what needs to be done? (uh... completely defund and rebuild anyone?)
Once this sinks in... your head will explode.
[-] No-Look-3001 | 3 points
My head exploded long ago about this. I have enough Ivermectin store for years.
[-] RedditIsPoisonTrash | 5 points
It really boils down to something rather simple and disturbing.
Cause it’s a cheap drug and live in a capitalistic country.
I have a close friend who is an Epidemiologist at Mercer. He said the same thing about how the NIH should have been doing whatever to facilitate a study on IVM. He's hanging on (albeit, tightly) by a thread that these institutions aren't as corrupt as they appear to be right now.
[-] machinelearny | 7 points
Hey should visit the page and then go to each of the cheap treatments on the list and check all the studies done on them and the conclusions of each of the studies. Then he should check what the NIH has spent money on during this pandemic and their recommendations. There is no thread to hang on to.
Then, just to make things interesting, he should check the conflict of interest declaration of the NIH covid board:
Then he should try and find out who was on the particular panel to decide against IVM and how they came to their conclusion? Was it a vote? Who voted?
There is no way that this is not because of corporate greed.
There's lots of people thinking there's some more nefarious conspiracy going on, like the vaccines are used for mind control or some BS like that. The answer is usually the most simple one, the one that has always been there, and that is greed.
Face mask suppliers, test suppliers, vaccine suppliers, etc. etc. etc. these people are making huge amounts of money and the politicians are making sure that the "right" people are getting the contracts.
What better way to get your new vaccine technology FDA approved in record time? If it wasn't for COVID, it would probably have been a few more years before Moderna or any other mRNA vaccine would have been approved.
Then there's the super rich all getting richer off the crash and rebound of the stock market. And the trillions being printed by the government, who's getting that? I don't think it's the man in the street. His money just gets devalued.
Why is the stock market doing so great during such a horrific economic collapse? It kinda seems like a lot of the money being injected into the economy is going to people investing it, not people in dire need of spending it, but I'm not an economist, so don't know how that works. Who is actually backing these loans? The national debt? Anybody making interest off of these trillion dollar loans must be making a lot of money off of that. I've never understood how that works, but there must be somebody charging interest somewhere.
Anyways, the bottom line is that money is pushing policies worldwide and the rich and powerful make these decisions to further their own bottom lines and those are in direct conflict with the bottom line of the less rich. For the rich to get richer, the poor must get poorer.
The one thing that concerned me from the start of the pandemic was the fact that the people most at risk of COVID are those people that's a drag on the economy. In many countries they are having the problem of the ageing population. Lower birth rates and longer life expectancy results in less people contributing to pension funds and more people living off pension funds. In Brasil it has been a huge debate for years, about the fiscal reform required to make the books balance again. I've been concerned that COVID is a convenient solution to this problem, those putting most strain on public health and pension funds are the ones most at risk of COVID. Financially/economically countries don't have a motivation to save their lives.
That's my rant. I used to think the world was more good than bad, but the pandemic has taught me that, even if that is the case, the bad for sure is in control and the average citizen cannot imagine that anybody can do things that are that bad, so they believe the narrative they are being fed that seems like the policies are being made to protect them.
P.S. Has any of the really rich and powerful died of COVID? How many people like Chris Christie survive covid? Did these people sit at home and wait until they couldn't breather before going to hospital and get treated? No, they all got immediate treatment. But that's against the NIH guidelines... so their chances of survival should have been worse off I guess!
[-] No-Look-3001 | 4 points
There is a reason. There is no money to be made in giving people repirposed drugs for Covid.
BigPharma wants their vaccine to be the one and only. If there becomes a more effective( and easier) way to protect and treat covid, money would be lost on the vaccine.
So I believe they are purposely not trialing these drugs.
I'm my opinion, there was and is the possibility of drugs such as these to save people's live.
And they are doing nothing about it.
Ivermectin sits in practically every pharmarmacy in America.
Just sitting there.
[-] Ok-Film-9049 | 3 points
It is likely to be the emergency use of vaccines. I'm all for vaccines, but feel the powers that be should have changed to rules so that we can have both IVM and vaccines. At an individual level, you can have both but it is sickening that so many people will die needlessly. I think the developing countries will use both much more than the West. I was angry about this situation back in September but when they ignore people like Tess Lawrie and Prof Marik and Kori I kind of gave up. I still try and influence friends but only the ones who really listen have a medical background
[-] machinelearny | 3 points
The thing is, it's not just Ivermectin. It's a whole host of treatments that's shown promise early on, but no effort invested by NIH, WHO or any of the big health institutions to actively attempt to find a good treatment regiment.
There should be a proposal made for how to define standard of care during a pandemic to converge to the best treatment combination as fast as possible. Not test every individual drug in the manner some random researcher decided to test it. It should be driven by doctors actually treating people. I have some ideas on how this can be done in a scientific manner, but it would probably be pointless to even spend time writing it down.
[-] Pitiful-Gate-2043 | 17 points | Apr 03 2021 02:18:57
I feel it’s for nefarious reasons. I really can’t explain it any other way. They want to keep things in an emergency state and if people die in order to accomplish whatever their end goal is then it’s an acceptable loss to them. I hope I’m wrong because I used to have a lot of faith in these institutions but I’ve lost it. Seems they are all political players now on a global stage. We are just the pawns.
[-] machinelearny | 15 points | Apr 03 2021 02:44:57
Unfortunately my exact feeling. I had been puttering about feeling a faint sense of certainty that these institutions were working hard to find ways to reduce the loss of life due to COVID and just keeping my head down, masking up, washing my shopping, etc. Very early on, around March, I found some good information showing Vit.D would be a good early treatment, so I stocked up on high dose Vit.D.
Then I saw Dr. Kory's testimony, I watched the whole senate hearing including the other doctor that spoke about Ivermectin, I don't remember his name, but he was complaining about how hard it is to get funding for a study on repurposed drugs in the US. Then I started researching Ivermectin and could not believe the amount of evidence and how it was being suppressed. That was more than 3 months ago, today there's probably about twice the amount of data. I cannot believe how this has been suppressed on every single front. Youtube, Facebook, Wikipedia, Associated Press, most other mainstream media, FDA, NIH, WHO, Merck. I have lost all faith in the scientific community as well as the media. I've always known the media was playing political games etc. but I never thought any of the institutions would effectively commit genocide as they have been. All of them are culpable for thousands and thousands of lives that could have been saved.
[-] Pitiful-Gate-2043 | 10 points | Apr 03 2021 03:09:00
I feel like if people don’t go looking they won’t find anything that might help. I must have come across the same info as you about vitamin D and have been taking it since March last year. I watched peak prosperity, Medcram and Dr John Campbell on YouTube and got a lot of information from there. More than I did from the news. It’s a shame though that if someone doesn’t actively search they won’t know these things.
[-] Gmiessy | 6 points | Apr 03 2021 17:39:47
What’s weird is on Twitter I follow tons of big accounts that post about Ivermectin. None of their posts come up in my timeline, ever. So even if they allow stuff to be posted it’s not seen.
I have to go to their pages individually to see it. Lately more and more are getting outright suspended or banned. But then you see people say “If it worked so well I would have heard about it”, little do they know what’s actually going on.
Even just typing “ivermectin” in Google brings up mostly biased, planted sources. Someone suggested using duck duck go search engine and it’s more balanced but everyone uses google.
[-] TehCaster | 1 points | Apr 03 2021 19:01:05
Do you use the Home (default?) or Latest Tweets timeline? I don't have these issues with Latest tweets. Home is algorithm curated crap.
[-] Gmiessy | 1 points | Apr 04 2021 10:24:03
Thanks! I’ll try that
[-] devilslittlehelper | 3 points | Apr 03 2021 06:04:43
Speaking about peak prosperity.. what happened to Chris Martensin..? He seems to have disappeared..? No videos after early Fev.. just stopped them all of a sudden
[-] TheInterceptor007 | 3 points | Apr 03 2021 14:52:08
I think he got enough from YouTube bullshit to take his videos down because of HCQ AND IVM YouTube is shit
[-] devilslittlehelper | 1 points | Apr 03 2021 18:53:37
I thought of that. But Id then expect him to post something about it somewhere else. A tweet or a blog post, or even a note on — they own and control their own website after all..
[-] bitregister | 2 points | Apr 03 2021 06:34:00
Family illness
[-] Pitiful-Gate-2043 | 2 points | Apr 03 2021 15:21:29
I was wondering the same. I miss his videos! Thanks for sharing. I’ll say a prayer for him and his family.
[-] devilslittlehelper | 1 points | Apr 03 2021 12:12:02
Oh.. ouch. Didnt know
[-] TehCaster | 3 points | Apr 03 2021 10:32:45
The other doctor at the senate hearing was Dr. Rajter from the ICON study. He said the same in recent webinar from the Chest journal about the study. He even had the money from donors to do a randomized trial, but couldn't pass the bureaucratic obstacles. Another "funny" thing you find in the this week interview with Dr. Carvalho. He says the asked for approval on their trial (by Argentina authorities) in April but didn't wait for the answer, had it finished and published in July... And only in September they replied... that they don't approve it. So the slowness was in the trial's advantage this time. I guess in the US you can't just not wait and proceed.
[-] machinelearny | 6 points | Apr 03 2021 12:19:56
Dr. Rajter
He was actually the most convincing in that senate hearing, one could see that he was totally frustrated with the politicization of treatment and how he could see and prove that his treatment was working, but faced obstacles every step of the way.
Amazing how the obstacles are global, every country having similar resistance to early treatments. Good thing we have some "rogue" doctors that don't listen.
[-] No-Look-3001 | 3 points | Apr 03 2021 15:58:45
I dont think you are wrong. It's murder, is what it is.