mekikichee | 18 points
WHO reaches ivermectin recommendation without a vote
[-] iloveviggo123 | 2 points
wow. that’s bc they do want us to die off for their great reset.
[-] mekikichee | 8 points | Apr 02 2021 11:42:52
By Peter Yim
Trial Site News
WHO updated “Therapeutics and COVID-19” on March 31, 2021 to include a recommendation on ivermectin. The recommendation was:
“We recommend not to use ivermectin in patients with COVID-19 except in the context of a clinical trial.”
The recommendation was made by the Guideline Development Group; 63 members consisting of “content experts, clinicians, patients, ethicists and methodologists”.
WHO explained that a vote on the recommendation was not necessary:
“While a priori voting rules informed procedures if the panel failed to reach consensus, these procedures proved unnecessary for this recommendation.”
Two questions:
Was there an “a priori” system in place for deciding when and how to abandon the “a priori” voting rules?
How was consensus determined?
Is it too late to take a vote?
WHO explained how they reached their “transparent and trustworthy recommendations”. They need to understand that bypassing a vote on the recommendation is the opposite of transparent and trustworthy.