ieteknition | 2 points | Apr 01 2021 21:40:00

What is the human dosage (oral) for using ivermectin 1% sterile injectable?

I’m hearing 1cc/100 lb of body weight. But I would like confirmation. Thanks. Edit: changed what I understand recommended dosage to be.


[-] stereomatch | 2 points | Apr 02 2021 03:50:25

Check out: Anybody know a doctor who I can get a prescription from in STL

And this comment there which is a warning about veterinary ivermectin and about it's dosing and risk of overdosing:

The standard daily dose of Ivermectin is 0.2mg/kg body weight. So a 60kg person would take 12mg ivermectin tablets - for example with the I-MASK+ protocol of 12mg every 14 days.

You would have to be sure how much of the liquid has 12mg etc.

The FDA also says people should consider any additives that may be there in veterinary products - so check the ingredients.

EDIT: I have locked comments here. Message me if you or anyone else wants to add a comment here.
