whitegato777 | 2 points | Mar 29 2021 05:01:21

Ivermectin herpes family

Does anyone know of any research using ivermectin on any of the herpes family? Just got high antibodies test results back for herpes zoster and Epstein barr. Want something to bring in to my naturopath. Im hoping ivermectin will be cheaper than SOT therapy?


[-] stereomatch | 3 points | Mar 29 2021 08:50:17

Follow some of the references this article mentions (which point to papers in the references section of this paper):

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7536980/ Quantitative proteomics reveals a broad‐spectrum antiviral property of ivermectin, benefiting for COVID‐19 treatment

Na Li, Lingfeng Zhao, and Xianquan Zhan

Ivermectin has been demonstrated to limit infection by a number of viruses with potential broad‐spectrum activity (Yang et al., 2020). For example, ivermectin has been reported anti‐HIV‐1 reliant on importin α/β nuclear import (Wagstaff, Sivakumaran, Heaton, Harrich, & Jans, 2012). Ivermectin could reduce MAPK pathway activation through the inhibition of PAK‐1 activity. The high content screening also identified ivermectin as a promising drug against EBV‐positive and EBV‐negative nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells (Gallardo, Mariamé, Gence, & Tilkin‐Mariamé, 2018). Herpes genitalis and infections, which are caused by HPV in males, might have an effective treatment choice for oral ivermectin, but it has not been officially approved until now (Buechner, 2002). 


This may be of interest to you from a research point of view:

https://healthcare.utah.edu/publicaffairs/news/2020/05/epstein-barr-virus.php STUDY COULD SUGGEST A NEW WAY TO CONTROL EPSTEIN-BARR VIRUS May 2020

Four years ago, the U of U Health research team found that spironolactone, a medicine routinely used to treat heart failure, has an unexpected antiviral activity against EBV. They discovered the drug targets an EBV protein, called SM, that the Swaminathan lab and others previously showed is essential for EBV replication. 


[-] bikes4paul | 3 points | Mar 29 2021 16:03:14

Stereomatch provided excellent resources on IVM's data in HHV. Lactoferrin is another very safe therapeutic that has shown great promise against HHV also. It's available as an OTC supplement. I'm guessing your naturopath will be very supportive of lactoferrin. Here are some references to data supporting it's use in HHV:

Here is an in vitro study that showed that LF inhibits HSV1 and 2 when combined with acyclovir: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/10743537_Lactoferrin_and_lactoferricin_inhibit_Herpes_simplex_1_and_2_infection_and_exhibit_synergy_when_combined_with_acyclovir

Here is in vitro data showing Lactoferrin inhibits HSV infection during early phases of the viral replicative cycle. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14972565/#:\~:text=Abstract,glycosaminoglycan%20(GAG)%2Ddeficient%20cells.

Another in vitro study that showed LF inhibited HSV-1 in a dose dependent manner: https://virologyj.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1743-422X-6-53

Here is a review of LF's many antiviral properties including HSV inhibition: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1341321X14002864

As if this wasn't enough, this new paper shows potent in vitro inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein. More importantly they also ran a pilot RCT and Lactoferrin showed a significantly faster RT-PCR clearance compared to SOC and non-treated (p < 0,0001.) median rRT-PCR SARS-COV-2 RNA negative conversion than standard of care-treated and non-treated COVID-19 patients (14.25 vs 27.13 vs 32.61 days, respectively)

It also showed significantly faster clinical symptom resolution than SOC and non-treated. Finally, the LF treated arm showed a significant decrease in inflammatory markers of ferritin, IL-6 or host iron overload. The coagulation marker of D-dimer was also found significantly decreased following LF supplementation. D-dimer is an indication of microthrombosis and is highly correlated with severe outcomes in C19. Zero adverse events were reported owing to it's super safe profile. Here is a link to this study: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphar.2021.666600/abstract

Here is the LF supplement I take (I have no affiliation): https://www.amazon.com/Jarrow-Formulas-Lactoferrin-250mg-Caps/dp/B0013OQGBY/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=lactoferrin&qid=1597793788&s=hpc&sr=1-4

I have had severe mono from EBV and I have recurrent CMV when I train too much (MTB/Road racing). Since supplementing with Lactoferrin I haven't had a CMV reactivation. I can't say for sure it's the LF but I'll keep taking it.


[-] ChooksChick | 2 points | Mar 29 2021 05:36:04

I take 500-1000mg l-lysine daily to control my area cold stores, and I can say they haven't been aggravated by ivermectin every 2 weeks. I haven't had a cold sore in years since starting the lysine. I used to get one every month with my period or more often with stress.


[-] whitegato777 | 1 points | Mar 29 2021 16:06:29

Im trying to figure out If I should do a long run of ivermectin or just spend the money to do SOT therapy.
