TehCaster | 5 points | Mar 28 2021 22:00:08

Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh to start using IVM "again"?



[-] TehCaster | 3 points | Mar 28 2021 22:02:19

Translation: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://www.livehindustan.com/uttar-pradesh/gorakhpur/story-ivermectin-zinc-sending-positive-to-home-3941922.html

"With the increase in the number of corona patients, the treatment of their treatment has also started. Most of the patients are in Home Isolation. Ivermactin, zinc, and folic acid tablets used to increase the immunity of such patients have started to be used again.

The health department has started contact tracing by sending medicines to the patients of positive patients and making a list of those who come in contact with them. Those who come in contact are being talked about the symptoms in the morning and evening. It is being told that a test will be done five-six days after the symptoms related to the corona."

So that sounds as if they stopped treating (at least in this city?), now cases went high, so they are starting again? From quick looks at some graphs Uttar Pradesh really starts to rise in cases and deaths... EDIT: no the graphs were for the whole India.
