machinelearny | 3 points | Mar 28 2021 17:18:09


Just saw a concerning stat from Israel - covid case fatality rates are going way up, just a graph on twitter though, so not really reliable!

I presume it could just be due to cases dropping fast and deaths lagging behind - resulting in (daily new deaths)/(daily new cases) being higher than before. Need to check how they calculated it. Has anybody already done this kind of investigation already?


[-] PeterZweifler | 1 points | Mar 28 2021 17:35:25

I think total death rate is up too, so...


[-] Joey1849 | 1 points | Mar 28 2021 20:55:14

Several weeks ago the government reopened before everyone was vaccinated. The resulting wave of infections is now producing deaths and hospitalizations. While Israel has so far done a great job with vaccinations, they were not yet at herd immunity but reopened like they were at herd immunity.


[-] machinelearny | 2 points | Mar 28 2021 22:09:22

Interesting, but why would the case fatality rate be higher than before the high risk groups were vaccinated? If the high risk people are mostly vaccinated, then the people that are getting infected should survive more than before. So a lower percentage of them should die.


[-] Joey1849 | 1 points | Mar 29 2021 02:42:36

Israel has had waves like every other country. The government reopened 2 weeks before the national elections. That is about 4-5 weeks ago? Even before the pre-election reopening, the vaccinated population thought they were good to go on day 1 and the unvaccinated population rushed out to large family gatherings and discos to cram together. The Haredim never quit cramming together......


[-] fyodor32768 | 1 points | Mar 31 2021 12:42:30

The vast majority of adults in Israel (80 percent) have been vaccinated so the people who are getting infected are disproportionately people outside of the health care system or who are reluctant to seek medical care. There are also all sorts of delays in death reporting in most countries that make death trends pretty unreliable in the short term.

Cases in Israel are dropping 50 percent week over week for the last three weeks as the virus is unable to spread in their vaccinated population even as everything is open. They're going to have a post-COVID society soon. It's been an absolute phenomenal success.
