Skybright77777 | 14 points | Mar 17 2021 12:27:12

r/CoronavirusUK = biased and censors debate, don't bother joining.

Terrible forum run by moderators who are extremely biased towards the Corona vaccines.

Now, being in favour of these vaccines is not a crime. However, it is unfortunately typical for our times that anyone daring to post a critical view on these vaccines is immediately branded "unscientific" and - of course, what else - "anti-vax". My crime was that I posted this article below.

These are truly sad times we live in, where debate is stifled and one is called all sorts of things for having a different opinion. Let's not perpetuate this awful practice because I would like my kids to grow up in a democracy where free-speech is still a given.


[-] jzero4242 | 9 points | Mar 17 2021 16:45:24

I think you posted this in the wrong sub, this is for Ivermectin news.

But I absolutely agree, I have been also banned. It's a cult of masks and vaccines.

General reddit sentiment is leftist-pro-vaccine-pro-authority, but civilized discussion is generally still tolerated in many subs, but not the above mentioned. I guess posting or commenting about Ivermectin is not allowed there either.
