Decrevisum | 56 points | Mar 16 2021 22:47:43

โ€œHad our Government...adopted Ivermectin...are you saying that hundreds, if not potentially thousands, of UK citizens would still be alive today?โ€ โ€œYes.โ€ An EXPLOSIVE interview ๐Ÿ‘‰


[-] Inner_G84 | 9 points | Mar 16 2021 23:17:51

That... Was... Stunning!!! Loved every second of it! Cold hard, "Yes!".... Mic drop... Boom


[-] Shakespeare-Bot | 2 points | Mar 16 2021 23:18:09

Yond. Wast. Stunning!!! did love every second of t! bitter cold hard, "yes!". Mic drop. Boom

^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.)

Commands: !ShakespeareInsult, !fordo, !optout


[-] ivermectin-for-covid | 8 points | Mar 17 2021 00:51:07

Clickable link to full program:


[-] dhmt | 4 points | Mar 17 2021 05:07:14

Is there something in the UK like the CDC in the US? Does the UK system have a rule that they will only fast-track vaccines if there is an "unmet need" for the mitigation of COVID? In the UK, what happens to vaccine fast-tracking if ivermectin works well for COVID?

I wonder if this was discussed by people in back rooms of vaccine developers.


[-] Alexanderandjeff | 1 points | Mar 17 2021 16:44:24

They ,in the backroom arent stupid..Im sure when it was found out that Ivermectin was effective in vivo last April ,they were freaking out. Trying to do everything they could to supress it, by whatever means neccessary or at the very least stall it , so they could profit by hoping to vaccinate the world and or finding new patentable drugs .. Imagine a cure ,for what would cost 2 cents a dose to produce,that was unacceptable ..There goal was to suppress it and trash it hoping all would forget Ivermectin as a lifesaver when vaccination rolled out . The problem for them ,its rollout was too slow and potentially dangerous to many, and also those pesky variants started to pop up ,making vaccinations less or not effective at all , resulting in continued unabated death. .


[-] heinerprahm | 3 points | Mar 17 2021 07:03:10

And Boris Johnson himself had the opportunity to save all these lives ...


[-] EuCleo | 3 points | Mar 17 2021 08:31:00

FYI, this is the Brexit Party, under a different name. Ivermectin should not be captured by a right-wing populist movement.


[-] Ok-Film-9049 | 3 points | Mar 17 2021 11:36:54

Agreed, a bit silly to go to them with IVM. Makes them seem more credible and won't influence the uptake


[-] HeeeeeyNow | 2 points | Mar 17 2021 09:55:42

That pause sold it !


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Mar 17 2021 00:49:49

