MrElvey | 5 points
Lessons of a Pandemic - Panel Questions soughtLessons of a Pandemic- tomorrow!
sponsored by PhRMA (The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America)
Wednesday, March 17 Program: 11:00am ET / 8:00am PT / 3:00pm GMT
Sign up and SUBMIT QUESTIONS here: Stream here:
“COVID-19 has been the unprecedented public health emergency of our lifetime. But while disruptive, the pandemic also nurtured a sense of common purpose and a focus on the importance of preparedness. Washington Post Live will convene experts in government, medicine, business, and public health who have been on the frontlines of responding to COVID-19 to reflect on the lessons learned, the most effective medical and economic interventions, and best practices for recovery. Join the conversation on Wednesday, March 17.
Wow... “common purpose” ... “experts on the front lines” “most effective... interventions”! Sounds wonderful! 🤣
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[-] MrElvey | 2 points | Mar 16 2021 21:10:02
I submitted: This meta analysis passed peer review for a Lancet journal: did MERCK lie about the existence of the evidence from numerous studies that it cites, and have each of you read any of them, and if so, which ones, specifically? I’ve read both the studies and the meta analysis and feel thousands of lives per day would be saved if its post- peer review publication hadn’t been interfered with.