heinerprahm | 53 points
**BIG BREAKING NEWS** The scientific manuscript on emerging evidence for #ivermectin has been accepted for publication in the American Journal of Therapeutics!https://twitter.com/Covid19Critical/status/1371916329763082240
[-] mekikichee | 7 points
So happy to see this but guarding my enthusiasm.
[-] traveler19395 | 7 points
Seems as though that's a pretty vanilla journal with no controversy, good! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Journal_of_Therapeutics
[-] drkprinz21 | 4 points
It should be interesting to watch the outcome
[-] [deleted] | 2 points
Remember this? ...
Pierre Kory @PierreKory -- Jan 14, 2021 https://twitter.com/PierreKory/status/1349430213151744002
Our Ivermectin paper passed three rounds of peer-review! Abstract published online today, full manuscript is in production and will be published online in 1-2 weeks we hope - speed is critical, lives depend on the dissemination of our findings. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphar.2021.643369/abstract
Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care @Covid19Critical -- Jan 14, 2021 https://twitter.com/Covid19Critical/status/1349341927183962112
BREAKING NEWS: Our scientific manuscript on the efficacy of #Ivermectin for COVID-19 has passed through rigorous peer review and is now in production, with the full published paper to be available very shortly. Here's the preview: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphar.2021.643369/abstract
Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care @Covid19Critical -- Mar 2, 2021 https://twitter.com/Covid19Critical/status/1366485552304906241
"This is clear censorship. It's indefensible in science to reject a peer-reviewed paper." —Dr. @PierreKory
We will have more to say on this highly concerning development soon. Relief from this pandemic is here and it has a name: #Ivermectin.
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[-] Besensiblewouldya | 1 points
Hi folks - I joined the ivermectin group earlier this year because it seemed interesting that there was a potential drug that would assist the body rid itself of this virus.
I was reasonably convinced from the start that it would not do much harm for doctors to prescribe it along with whatever other treatments they recommended. My concern was that there seemed to be no therapeutic treatments available to doctors that they can give to people whom they suspect had contracted the virus.
Nothing I have read or heard on here since has changed my initial assessment.
However, I will make a few observations about ivermectin and this sub Reddit.
Many of the studies that have been referenced on here make widespread use of the term "mild to moderate infection". The question that that sets off in my mind is - "would the patient recover anyway with or without ivermectin?"
Hence its why I'd put it in the "Sure it cant do much harm category." - as routine as giving an antibiotic for stomach ulcers now is. And if anyone can remember pre mid 90s, antacids and surgical procedures were the main course of treatment and there was huge resistance in medical circles to believe that ulcers were caused largely by a bacteria.
With regards to this subreddit, and perhaps I am displaying a certain amount of naivety here, I am disappointed about the general conspiracy theorem atmosphere that so quickly leaks into so many of the discussions here. I'm just not into them.
It was only a matter of time that some sort of virus was going to emerge that humans had little to no immunity against. And that was going to lead to a lot of deaths. That it has taken such a toll on the weakest in society is very hard to take. But it is also a fact that we are all going to die sometime, somehow. So make your peace with your maker and hope this is not how you are going out.
That it was going to take medics some time to get a handle on it is inevitable though compared to smallpox, polio, diphtheria, rubella, TB, measles etc, it's been quite a short time.
That doctors differ, patients die should not be a surprise. The saying didn't come out of nowhere.
That there would be a rush to develop new vaccines was inevitable. That's what drug companies do and that's because they work as per the previous paragraph.
That governments have mismanaged this whole crisis should be no surprise - but they are a reflection on the priorities of the overall electorate. There has also been massive groupthink which no-one seems capable to see that and to realise that there are other ways which could have better outcomes in the long run.
That healthcare systems have been overrun can be no surprise - given the lack of acceptance of how much it really costs to have a highly funded system.
That public health experts reach for lockdowns as their one and only tool should be no surprise - they are primarily medical doctors and medical specialists - it's all they know.
That the media reacts the way it does should be no surprise. They are either tabloid and sensationalist, mainstream and Conservative, and full of vested interests but overall when faced with difficult, complicated, nuanced problems, they have no solutions, because the solutions have no soundbites in them. And that is what the people want.
Life is complicated enough without putting on the tin hat.
Best of luck, stay safe.
[-] Haitchpeasauce | 4 points
The conspiracy theory stuff has become more prominent lately since Ivermectin started getting more attention, following the FLCCC press conference in December. We have more people here now, more voices.
I do not subscribe to conspiracy views at all, but I do think there are signs of filtering and bias in the media. A variety of opinion is welcome and healthy, but my personal preference would be for this community to focus on the data and not fuel controversy. My focus is always on the science and the results. I have been following the development of Ivermectin for COVID-19 since April 2020 and it's great to see this fascinating drug finally getting wider recognition.
Many of the Ivermectin studies are focused on mild outpatients for very good reasons:
That said, there were good trials performed on severe cases too. Prominent in my mind is the ICON study which showed a huge reduction in mortality in severe and ventilated patients. Elderly and comorbid patients being rescued from needing ECMO and making full recoveries.
[-] Ok-Film-9049 | 11 points | Mar 16 2021 21:10:20
My prediction is that western rich countries will only acknowledge IVM once every, who will, has had the vaccine. Then they may use it for vaccine refuses in the Autumn wave to enable economies to remain open. Would love to be wrong...
[-] jewelsn24 | 5 points | Mar 17 2021 02:21:29
I suspect you might be right.
[-] Ok-Film-9049 | 4 points | Mar 17 2021 11:33:31
I got a drawer full of IMV in May, became fully convinced in September, got angry and tried to warn others in the Autumn. Kinda given up now. Belive until vaccines are deployed it won't happen. Probably the emergency use authorisation or fear it will prevent vaccinations. But please don't let this stop you getting a vaccine. Both vaccines and IVM will prevent deaths.