PeterZweifler | 27 points | Mar 14 2021 11:43:55

Why is Ivermectin not widely advertised?

Ivermectin has already shown to be extremely effective against COVID a long time ago, while also being cheap, available and has fairly little side effects. However, the Media attention it gets is frisky at best, and disigenuous at worst. There was a wave of articles recently that framed Dr. Kory as a anti-vaxxer, even, thus profundly misrepresenting his alliance. Articles are written against the medication and then pulled again. Medication that does not work is promoted (see remdesevir) while actually working medication is suppressed or discredited. In my experience this question usually leads down a rabbit hole - which, after some research done on my part, seems to be bottomless and ripe with false leads. What is your answer to that question? How will society explain this away?


[-] traveler19395 | 18 points | Mar 14 2021 12:02:35

I think the fundamental underlying problem is national health agencies getting too intertwined with, and dependent on, private enterprise.

There’s no money to make from Ivermectin, so no company will pay for an extensive study, with no extensive study, national health agencies are reluctant to recommend it.

The national health agencies shouldn’t be so dependent on pharmaceutical companies and for-profit research institutions. They should have the capabilities and funding to do their own extensive studies of drugs irregardless of the politics and profitability of said drug.


[-] OneSmartOne | 12 points | Mar 14 2021 12:17:44

I tend to agree with your comment, but I do know some cases where ivermectin was administered here in the US and other cases where doctors advised a very sick patient against taking it. My experience with my GP’s over the years has been they are all behind the curve on the best solutions. My own research in a few cases has actually educated them as doctors! I think this is because they just listen to drug sales and pick up what they learn at conferences if they attend.


[-] PeterZweifler | 6 points | Mar 14 2021 13:48:54

I just found this link, which is extremely relevant to outpatient treatment.

Doctors are waking up to the fact that there always were treatment methods. The problem is they are either not told or disinformed, as I think u/OneSmartOne said. I agree with your asessment on funding, but I think 24 randomized controlled trials + 22 other studies with 15.000+ patients, all ranging from moderately positive to overwhelmingly postive, should be more than enough for media attention that is reporting on COVID non-stop, and with it, funding. As to WHY they were not told, it seems that monetary interests would explain some of it. But why would billionaire puppeteers, to whom most of these theories assign the blame, want to be trillionaires? Does it really make a difference to them at this point? These are the questions I need out of my head asap.


[-] dhmt | 3 points | Mar 14 2021 20:14:01

I am very pleased that at the 11:00 min mark he puts the blame at the feet of the vaccine manufacturers. FDA will only fast track a vaccine if there is an "unmet need". So, the pharmaceutical companies could not allow any drugs (especially off-patent drugs!!!) that would remove the "unmet need" checkbox.


[-] stereomatch | 10 points | Mar 14 2021 14:37:57

The biggest irony is Dr Pierre Kory was right in his testimony to Senate the first time he went there - arguing for steroids as lifesaver.

Yet they are painted as the ones who get it wrong!

In that particular battle it was the whole host of official organizations which were wrong - they argued against steroids and made FLCCC a pariah

They have not apologized for that mishap yet to the public or to the FLCCC.

However there must be good people in these organizations too, as we see the FLCCC review paper had 2 reviewers who were from the FDA - and they approved of it.

It was only the JAMA head honcho who pulled veto at last moment to stop publication.

Despite the FLCCC record, they were made fun of when they appeared a second time for ivermectin and early treatment in front of the Senate.

Mainstream media is one thing, but whole sub-reddits were behaving that way.


[-] PeterZweifler | 3 points | Mar 14 2021 15:09:58

Do you have sources for the steroid one and the 2 FDA reviewers? Really good summary of what has happened with the FLCCC. Did you find this on their site?


[-] stereomatch | 3 points | Mar 14 2021 15:35:36

Dr Pierre Kory and the Senator both mentioned it in reference ie second time you are coming here.

Dr Pierre Kory and I think Dr Paul Marik (in his interviews by Dr Been) has mentioned it in more detail - that they appeared in front of the Senate and pleaded for steroids.

I have not seen a video of that, but that may be available somewhere, as it would be a matter of public record.

But then YouTube has removed Dr Pierre Kory's recent ivermectin testimony in front of Senate - so not sure what they did for the earlier one.


EDIT2: found Dr Pierre Kory's testimony on need for methylprednisolone from his first testimony before the Senate from May 6, 2020: Pierre Kory, MD, MPA Medical Director, Trauma and Life Support Center Critical Care Service Chief Associate Professor of Medicine University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health May 6, 2020

Note almost all the activated genes are those that express triggers of inflammation. With this knowledge of the specific COVID inflammatory gene activation combined with knowledge of the gene suppression activity of all known medicines they were able to match the most effective drug for COVID-19 human gene suppression.. and that drug is methylprednisolone (this must be recognized, as the ability of other corticosteroids to control inflammation in cOVId-19 was much less impactful. This is, we believe, an absolutely critical and historic finding. Many centers are using similar but less effective agents such as dexamethasone or prednisone..


For completeness, here is Dr Pierre Kory's second appearance before the Senate from Dec 8, 2020 - on ivermectin: Testimony of Pierre Kory, MD Homeland Security Committee Meeting: Focus on Early Treatment of COVID-19 December 8, 2020

There is now a wealth of studies reporting efficacy of ivermectin. In that press conference, we called for a rapid and updated review of this evidence in the hopes a treatment recommendation could be made and thus saving many thousands of lives, quickly. The press conference was broadcast via the Associated Press and Univision to nearly every country globally. The Health Ministry of the Government of Uganda is currently reviewing our manuscript with the intent of incorporating our treatment protocol into a national treatment guideline. It is now 48 hours later and, although it has been shared widely, we have not heard from:

  • Any national news radio, newspaper or television station.

  • Any single member of any U.S health care agency.

  • One notable exception is the interest shown by the Health Ministry of the Government of Uganda as they are currently reviewing our manuscript with the intent of incorporating our treatment protocol into a national treatment guideline. We know of no similar effort by any US health care agency at this time.


Regarding the 2 FDA reviewers - that has been mentioned by Dr Paul Marik or was it Dr Pierre Kory in a Dr Been video. And that has been quoted a few times after that.

EDIT: here is at least one reference - in the Trisha Wood podcast interview of Dr Paul Marik:

review paper was peer-reviewed, and included 2 reviewers from the FDA


[-] PeterZweifler | 2 points | Mar 14 2021 15:37:53

Thanks a bunch! I will take a look.


[-] stereomatch | 2 points | Mar 14 2021 16:24:36

I have added a reference to Dr Pierre Kory's first testimony in front of the Senate in the above comment.


[-] PeterZweifler | 2 points | Mar 15 2021 07:55:43

Once, again, great writeup! This will help legitimize Cory to FDA apologists


[-] PeterZweifler | 1 points | Mar 14 2021 16:39:52


Article that proves corticosteroids are useful against COVID-19.


[-] Haitchpeasauce | 9 points | Mar 14 2021 13:00:56

Who is there to advocate this medicine? The FLCCC, a few doctors with a YouTube presence, a few journalists and media outlets. The FLCCC have a creative director, they are building a collection of media, this will pay off in time. The last time mainstream Western press picked up the Ivermectin story was to cover the JAMA study and repeat their opposition. Media sentiment about Ivermectin fall along political lines which doesn't help at all.


[-] PeterZweifler | 6 points | Mar 14 2021 13:56:51

Sure, but how does the Media justify the lack of any kind of investigative research, when there are 24 randomized controlled trials + 22 other studies with 15.000+ patients? It just blows my mind


[-] Haitchpeasauce | 4 points | Mar 14 2021 13:58:56

No, it's not justified.


[-] HeeeeeyNow | 7 points | Mar 14 2021 11:46:40

The only answer is r/conspiracy


[-] PeterZweifler | 2 points | Mar 14 2021 12:54:12

Ah, a man of culture. Cheers, lurked there for a while


[-] HeeeeeyNow | 6 points | Mar 14 2021 15:14:15

Lol yes we’ve all looked into this for months and the only rational answer is a conspiracy to pave the way for the vaccines.

Throw in a touch of “orange man bad” and you find yourself in the current situation.


[-] lurker_lurks | 5 points | Mar 14 2021 11:52:10

Go back to sleep, you're asking questions with no good answers.


[-] BernieTheDachshund | 4 points | Mar 14 2021 19:03:48

I think there's several reasons why. The media and politicians pushed the hydroxychloriquine narrative for a while and that was a bust. I saw somewhere there's a certain burn-out or wariness to 'new' meds. Combined with the fact it's known primarily as an anti-parasitic, they just blow off IVM as another quack medicine I guess. My grandma's doctor is all for it, but her private nurse does not believe in it until the FDA specifically advocates for it. The studies don't matter, he only believes the US FDA. The fact Ivermectin is generic and affordable to all probably figures in there somewhere too. I'm glad there are a few doctors who know it works and don't hesitate to rx it.


[-] migrod1 | 2 points | Mar 14 2021 19:55:24

I trust that nurse won't be taking the vaccine then.


[-] PeterZweifler | 1 points | Mar 14 2021 23:30:00

Oh no no no no

Edit: Maybe thats an argument that you can go with u/BernieTheDachshund?


[-] BernieTheDachshund | 1 points | Mar 15 2021 18:44:45

Ironically he (the nurse) is fully vaccinated. The problem with the vaccine is they didn't bother to tell the public that it's not a lifetime vaccination. Basically they (the CDC) *guess* that it lasts about 3 months. A year at most? People will need to get boosters for the variants. They just don't know how long anyone will have immunity since the vaccine hasn't been out that long. It could be we have to get it every year, like the flu shot. The disclaimer on the paperwork says it's NOT FDA approved, it's just authorized under emergency use or something like that. We're talking big money if that means hundreds of millions of vaccines being delivered every year. It's a very complicated issue.


[-] PeterZweifler | 2 points | Mar 15 2021 18:58:07

You know, I somehow managed to miss that part. You are right, the vaccines do not last. This will cycle yearly like the flu shot for sure, 100%

We're talking big money

So much this. Yes. I live in the country with the highest testing rate. We are spending \~800€ a month for everyone who wants to be tested. Thats essentially a universal basic income grade investment spent on testing alone that goes to the manufacturers. The same will be true for the vaccines.


[-] BernieTheDachshund | 1 points | Mar 15 2021 19:36:48

I would not have known if I hadn't caught a glimpse of a very short blurb on TV. It said 3 months and I'm like what? That can't be right. I look it up and sure enough, it's not guaranteed to even last a year. Here I was so happy to have had my first Moderna dose and they've hidden this fact from the public. I think life will go back to semi-normal, we just have to learn to live with it.


[-] PuzzleheadedSpare777 | 4 points | Mar 15 2021 00:54:04

They are even trying to discredit something as mainstream and well documented as vitamin D. I believe they think anything that helps treat/prevent covid will take away from cooperation with the vaccine.


[-] PeterZweifler | 2 points | Mar 15 2021 07:43:21

To be fair, thats probably going to happen, yes. Imagine you are not at significant risk for covid (you are young, fit). Would you take the off-label for 80% improvement or the new, experimental mRNA vaccine with maybe a bit more? The side effects of the vaccine are no joke, and some might not see them worth the added \~10% security. Add to this that many already distrust the vaccine to begin with. From a budget perspective, vaccinating everybody is more expensive by MAGNITUDES than just ivermectin and vit. D, so even the state should actually not be pushing the vaccines for everyone - its interesting they do tho.


[-] Snoo-40467 | 3 points | Mar 14 2021 16:44:06

Let's just say I contacted certain local pharmacy, on my first call all nice and pleasant, we have it it just costs x amount of money.

On my second call, literally 10 minutes after, the voice becomes somehow intimidated and the person claims that they don't sell it anymore LOL


[-] PeterZweifler | 2 points | Mar 14 2021 17:04:27



[-] outofspacetraveler | 3 points | Mar 15 2021 00:51:14

I’ll just step up and bring the conspiracy. The powers that be don’t want you to thrive, they want you sick, weak, and dependent. They want you to die slowly, as they parasitically drain your life force daily through debt and sickness. They want you to subjugate yourself to their control, agree without impunity, and be unwittingly content as a good slave. I’ve realized this long ago, and if this whole covid crap hasn’t woken you up to this system yet, I hope something does soon.

Humans should be thriving with the level of scientific advancement we are at. Academia, government, corporations, institutions, the rich elite work to maintain this control system.

Prove me wrong if you can. I would love to be wrong about this.


[-] -tiny-- | 2 points | Mar 14 2021 21:19:43

This is why:


[-] PeterZweifler | 2 points | Mar 14 2021 23:28:30

Yeah, I found that link very recently too. Amazing


[-] Grand-Pay8061 | 2 points | Mar 14 2021 23:10:11

Doesn't fit the WEF 2030 agenda.


[-] PeterZweifler | 2 points | Mar 15 2021 08:02:22

"You will own nothing, and you will be happy." - ominous schwab

Is 2030 about control, or ideology? Funny, the great reset was a conspiracy theory first too, no?


[-] miercoles_bbee | 2 points | Mar 15 2021 16:07:51

Ah yes. Also notable conspiracy theories were mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports... But both coming to a town near you very soon.

Something is ghastly a foot and all the lies from the media... Blatant blatant blatant lies... I'm inclined to believe the opposite of everything they say.

No Vax for me. I've already turned it down at work.

How can one get a doctor to adequately prescribe Ivermectin at this juncture?
