Bbaily | 9 points
America's Frontline Doctors – Doctors for Independent Information has a great deal of information about Cholorquine, Ivermectin, Azithromycin. Treatments studies etc.. worth the look.AFLDS Explores How Public Health Hysteria Degrades Our Laws in New Issue Brief
Still amazed at the power and grip that pharma has on politicians...
[-] jmaf2000 | 3 points | Mar 13 2021 22:26:13
Wasn’t the demon lady part of this group?
[-] Nei-Yeh | 2 points | Mar 14 2021 11:18:59
Wouldn't surprise me. Note that not a single person in that fund-raising video wears a mask or distances themselves. (also like that you can't even view that page without being forced to click on the "donate" popup).Simone Gold is an avid trumpster/anti-masker/anti-vaxer/science-denier. She calls the proven covid vaccines "experimental biological agents" being used on the public. She says MRNA vaccines developed by Pfizer and Moderna is "brand new technology", when in fact it's been developed over at least two decades-- it didn't magically appear past spring. Like trump she seems more concerned with claims of being popular and raising money and getting people worked up by saying God is on her side more than anything and tech companies are the root of all evil because they censored trump and others spouting completely debunked theories. She claims her video last summer that was removed was "the most viral video of all time", lol. Yes, all time. She claims health care workers who treat covid patients are at no greater risk of covid, and that masks do absolutely nothing to stop the virus from spreading.