1joe2schmo | 12 points
American Association of Physicians and Surgeons include IVERMECTIN in their pamphlet for home care.Here is a link to the guide, and the two videos that accompany it:
[-] stereomatch | 2 points | Mar 13 2021 20:46:44
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Just for context, the AAPS is a physician's organization that tends to lean towards the right, and is thus discounted in many quarters for this very reason. However, it seems to have a focus favoring the small clinics and independent doctors' practices ie more small business than large hospital.
This meshes well with the perception that independent doctors have been more agile during this crisis to develop remedies - any remedy - for their patients. While large hospitals have not been able to get beyond treating the severe cases (and have those dismissed the efforts for early treatment). Large hospitals and institutions with strong reputational bonds have meant many physicians there have been reluctant to stand out and go against their peers if the peers are leery of early treatments as a phenomenon.
Dr. McCullough's home treatment guide PDF seems like a good read.
The only thing I would have some question about is their use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) (they offer two alternatives - HCQ and antibiotics or Ivermectin and antibiotics). However Dr. Paul Marik of the FLCCC has said that HCQ takes 10 days to get into the lungs. So the question then becomes will HCQ work as a zinc ionophore fast enough - i.e is that a separate timeline (unrelated to HCQ appearance in lungs). I seem to remember Dr Paul Marik saying that HCQ takes longer because it is sequestered first in the RBCs (?) before being available in lungs etc.
Dr McCullough's guide suggests HCQ is a much stronger zinc ionophore than Quercetin (which MATH+ recommends) - however the question is, does quercetin start working faster as a zinc ionophore than HCQ?
However Dr. McCullough's preference for HCQ may be based on his personal experience - and there may be some value to it.
Just like Dr Been has said that while he recommends ivermectin (because it has a stronger effect), he has used HCQ and has gotten good results with it (i.e. few people deteriorating).
[-] runderwo | 3 points | Mar 14 2021 04:03:32
Dr. Zelenko has developed a HCQ inhaler for this precise reason. Budesonide, which is also delivered via inhaler, also compares favorably. There are several ongoing clinical trials and at least one publication with aerosolized ivermectin.