Haitchpeasauce | 5 points | Mar 10 2021 13:01:58

Use of ivermectin in the treatment of Covid-19: a pilot trial



[-] Haitchpeasauce | 2 points | Mar 10 2021 13:13:10

Cross-posting this from r/COVID19 for completeness.

This is a very small trial (SOC n=3) in patients with mild COVID-19.

This was an open label trial but the authors report that viral load results were blinded to reduce chance of bias.

There may be some hint of a dose-dependent reduction of viral load, but in reality the sample size is too small to derive meaningful results from. This assumes we take RT-PCR and Ct (cycle threshold) as a meaningful measure of viral load.

One takeaway was that no serious adverse events were reported in the 400mcg/kg group except one count of dizziness, but there was also 1 report of dizziness in the control group; safety at higher doses continues to be demonstrated.

Another underpowered study to add to the pile.
