mekikichee | 22 points | Mar 09 2021 23:50:19

FLCCC Weekly Update: Pierre Kory will address FDA statement and JAMA article. Link in comments


[-] ChipOnShoulder1 | 6 points | Mar 10 2021 14:32:15

The FDA simply cannot recognize the efficacy of ivermectin. There is too much at stake.

What is really going on is a raid on the treasury using the pandemic as a pretext. Yes, Covid-19 is here. It is real. And a solution for it is critically needed.

But the profiteering of disaster capitalism must take precedence. When it hit, the focus could have been what already approved drugs might be effective against this. And the FDA quickly gave a pass to try Remdesivir at $3000 per dose. Nevermind the dangerous side effects. (And btw, it failed) Yet the FDA stonewalls ivermectin at 6 cents/dose. Safer than aspirin and Tylenol. Effective and cheap. But we can't have ready access? It should be OTC for human use as it is for animal use. Same drug.

But no, the FDA issues strawman arguments as to why it won't greenlight use of ivermectin. It can't. It will not dare do that. Why?

If the CDC/FDA/NIH were to recognize the efficacy that the studies consistently show, their house of cards built to mask the grifting would crash down. The money trains into Big Pharma bank accounts would be derailed, delayed.

None of the vaccines have been approved, licensed by the FDA. They can't be until long-term safety and efficacy testing is complete and favorable. Those tests might never be complete as there is now talk of stopping them.

The vaccines are only being released with "emergency use authorization". This EUA then allows the government to give Big Pharma billions for millions of doses of the experimental vaccines for premature public release.

And that is the key to why the CDC/FDA/NIH is resisting to admit ivermectin has efficacy as the studies prove. Follow the dollars.

If they dared follow the science and admit that ivermectin works, the gravy train to Big Pharma comes to a screeching halt. They can continue to do research and have huge trial tests for their vaccines. But they can't release them prematurely. The public release must wait for final FDA approval and licensing like any new drug.

Make no mistake. Ivermectin works. Ivermectin is a readily available (or should be) remedial treatment for Covid-19. They cannot admit to that fact. To do so would expose the fact that the current public release of the vaccines is ILLEGAL.

Repeat. The current public release of the vaccines is illegal. Ivermectin works. It is safe, FDA approved and available quickly in mass quantities. That then negates the EUA option that is being used to circumvent the need to fully test the vaccines before public use. There is no "emergency" when the remedy, ivermectin, is on the shelf. Ignoring the remedy to drain billions of taxpayers dollars into Big Pharma coffers in this case is fraud. It is illegal. Ivermectin legally closes that "emergency" use loophole.

The only emergency is the level of corruption at the top of the federal agencies entrusted with overseeing the welfare of the people. They have unethically placed the wealth of the corporations ahead of the health of the people. Nothing new here really. That has been the bureaucratic modus operandi for a long time in the USA.


[-] paredes916 | 2 points | Mar 10 2021 23:18:37

Amen, when you mix special interests with human welfare, human welfare suffers, you can't have both


[-] Alexanderandjeff | 5 points | Mar 10 2021 04:20:52

This whole thing must be taken into a Federal Court.. Have a judge determine if these organizations have willfully conspired to supress the efficacy of Ivermectin. File a lawsuit and force these organizations like the FDA etc. to show that use of that drug based on the all the studies undertaken, has shown to be worthless...


[-] mekikichee | 3 points | Mar 09 2021 23:53:15


Archived videos on


[-] eternalmandrake | 3 points | Mar 10 2021 07:08:22

Why is this even happening, why are they referencing the one flawed study and releasing a statement saying ivermectin is ineffective? There are many other randomized controlled trials that prove ivermectin lowers mortality from covid. This has gotten absolutely insane.


[-] ZealousidealSuit1627 | 1 points | Mar 10 2021 11:47:57

