Snoo-40467 | 3 points | Mar 09 2021 15:40:51

Where to buy ivermectin in balkans (Montenegro)?

Hello, long story short I am a year into long covid and want to get rid of it. I haven't found it in the local pharmacy nor online (most don't ship to Montenegro)

Any idea where to get it?


[-] bikes4paul | 1 points | Mar 09 2021 17:06:49

I'm very sorry to hear you've been suffering from Long Covid for so long! I don't know where you might be able to get IVM in Montenegro. However, if you can't find a source for IVM you might want to try fluvoxamine (aka: Luvox). It's looking very promising in both early treatment but also Long Covid. Some feel it's even better than Ivermectin for Long Covid. It's a generic SSRI that's typically prescribed for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and/or Depression. Here is a video where Dr. Mobeen discusses it's benefits for Long Covid:


[-] Snoo-40467 | 1 points | Mar 09 2021 20:54:29

Got it thanks.

I'll definitely try and get that one instead if I don't find IVM. What do you know of horse paste? I read that some people got cured from it.


[-] Impressive-Move9344 | 1 points | Mar 09 2021 23:56:14

don't do the horse paste man, ure gona poison yourself! ivm can be bad in high doses such as for horses. also ivm is sold under different names so look into that in montenegro.

Hope you get better, fellow balkan man from Croatia :)


[-] -tiny-- | 1 points | Mar 11 2021 12:02:29

Try to get it from Macedonia if you have any links from there? Or Bulgaria?


[-] Snoo-40467 | 1 points | Mar 11 2021 17:13:00

I'll try, thanks
