TehCaster | 3 points | Mar 09 2021 14:38:00

We should be really mad at Huvepharma

This is not really news, but I don't think I've seen this stressed enough. You might remember their press release: https://newsbeezer.com/bulgariaeng/huvepharma-announces-final-ivermectin-tests-against-k-19-crashes-drug-critics/

I was wondering where they are going to publish their optimistic results and help world-wide adoption. But now I noticed the release says:

During the course of the clinical trial, new evidence emerged regarding the benefits of using ivermectin in treating patients with COVID-19, for which Huvepharma EOOD has filed international patent applications. These data will be published after the process is completed.

So not only they are after a patent for drug repurposing (prior art, anyone?) They are withholding their data (besides the press release) from the rest of the world until that is settled. But meanwhile their medicine is now freely sold over the counter in Bulgaria. I'm sure there was some pressure in that decision - the company is owner by a local oligarch.

So what do you think it's more probable?

- Their data is worthless and IVM doesn't work.

- They don't care about all the people dying from Covid all around the world, just the money.

Both options suck :(
