stereomatch | 11 points | Mar 08 2021 16:07:24

News Roundup | Ivermectin, Columbian Study, and the FDA: Cautions Against Use For Covid-19


[-] stereomatch | 4 points | Mar 08 2021 16:10:41

Previously covered in this TrialSite article: Questions about the JAMA study of ivermectin (Mar 6, 2021) - TrialSite questions the flawed recent Columbia JAMA study


In the current video:

at the 4:11 minute mark:

they ask about the incidents which FDA mentions. TrialSite argued in their article that the FDA has not provided details of incidents and try to follow the trail of poisoning reports back to the Missouri Poison Center.

at the 5:02 minute mark:

So we reached out to both the Medical Director and Director of the Missouri Poison Center to inquire about actual data.

How many people called in, and what was the nature of the incidents.

So far to date, no reply.


They go on to question the FDA statement that they haven't reviewed any of the data on ivermectin. In the midst of a pandemic.
