stereomatch | 5 points | Mar 04 2021 16:36:25

Pediatrician describes a case of infant with covid19 treated via breast milk, by dosing mother - not recommended, but an interesting data point - FLCCC video (Feb 25, 2021)


[-] stereomatch | 1 points | Mar 04 2021 16:37:39

Philadelphia pediatrician treated 6 month old baby with covid19 with ivermectin - by dosing the mother, so a fraction went to the baby via breast milk

I would not recommend this - since there is a theoretical risk of giving ivermectin to those with weakened blood-brain barrier - which is why ivermectin is not recommended for children under 15kg weight, pregnant and breast-feeding mothers, and those currently suffering from meningitis. Although practically in Africa the drug has been given inadvertently to pregnant mothers and children (just because it is prescribed in such numbers there) without huge reports of issues.

However, this is an interesting data point nonetheless. Philadelphia pediatrician: "I am prescribing this safe medicine to all of my COVID patients." Feb 25, 2021


Dr. Alexis Lieberman, a Philadelphia pediatrician, began to research ivermectin after seeing early studies that demonstrated its efficacy against COVID-19. As more studies emerged, she become a champion for the medicine that is deemed to be one of the safest medicines in the world— and one that is scientifically proven to prevent and treat COVID-19.
