heinerprahm | 24 points | Mar 03 2021 21:39:19

#Ivermectin Slovakia - We start not only with treatment, but also with prevention. All under the strict supervision of a doctor

Google translate:


Original News:



[-] bikes4paul | 8 points | Mar 03 2021 22:56:45

Wow, so refreshing to see a leader actually lead! It's so frustrating that this common sense approach is so rare even today. There is plenty of evidence for promising therapeutics when used early. Leaders should have weighed the risks vs benefits of each promising therapeutic and included those with favorable ratios in their public health response. Therapeutics like Vit D, Ivermectin, Aspirin, fluvoxamine, colchicine, ciclesonide, famotidine, NAC, melatonin, and many others should have been considered ages ago and most should be SOC for early intervention.


[-] stereomatch | 2 points | Mar 04 2021 08:52:19

Are there any difficulties for the Czech town mayor if someone were to send them a donation of medicines ?

Are there any import rules which could throw a spanner in the works ?


[-] obykoo | 2 points | Mar 04 2021 18:06:09

hlavnespravy.sk is unreliable fake new source just to let you know...
