stereomatch | 24 points | Feb 26 2021 04:49:05

Dr. Pierre Kory, Ivermectin, and COVID (Let’s help end the pandemic.) - Dr Been interview (Feb 25, 2021)


[-] Haitchpeasauce | 7 points | Feb 26 2021 10:15:13

Thanks for posting this. This is a really, really good interview.

It highlights how far behind the health authorities are. It's depressing to think that if doctors and authorities listened to the likes of Drs Kory, Marik, Mobeen and others like minded, would we still be in a pandemic? How many people could have been saved?


[-] biskitwheels | 1 points | Feb 27 2021 03:08:49

This is the new video I send after Dr. Kory's congressional testimony for those interested in learning more about Ivermectin. It's a long walk, but it covers all the bases.


[-] stereomatch | 5 points | Feb 26 2021 04:50:42

Dr. Pierre Kory, Ivermectin, and COVID (Let’s help end the pandemic.)

Feb 25, 2021

Drbeen Medical Lectures

255K subscribers

Dr. Pierre Kory, Ivermectin, and COVID (Let’s help end the pandemic.) COVID and the lung damage Updates from the Ivermectin world COVID long-haulers and the management approach Dr. Kory gained international fame when he went to the US senate and asked for the approval for the Ivermectin for COVID.

Since then, ~~INH~~ NIH has changed their position from against Ivermectin to neither against and nor pro Ivermectin - a neutral position is still a better position to allow physicians to use it without fear. Similarly WHO has started reviewing Ivermectin’s efficacy for COVID as well. Gates foundation has started trials too to vet out the efficacy of Ivermectin.

Here’s Dr. Kory’s biography Dr. Pierre Kory is Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Critical Care, and Pulmonary Medicine and is also a Testamur of the National Board of Echocardiography Exam.

He recently served for 5 years as the Medical Director of the Trauma and Life Support Center at the University of Wisconsin where he was an Associate Professor and the Chief of the Critical Care Service. He is considered a pioneer and national expert in the field of Critical Care Ultrasonography and is the senior editor of the widely read textbook “Point-of-Care Ultrasound” which is in its 2nd edition and has been translated into 7 languages, having won the President’s Choice Award for Medical Textbooks from the British Medical Association in 2015.

Dr. Kory also ran a busy pulmonary practice in New York City for almost ten years  and has also lectured on and published numerous peer-reviewed articles in two other areas of clinical interest and expertise; 1) the use of therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest and 2) the efficacy of intravenous ascorbic acid in the treatment of severe infections and septic shock. He has also previously served for three years as a Program Director of a Fellowship Training Program for doctors specializing in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine and has won multiple major Departmental Teaching Awards at each institution in which he has served as faculty.

More recently, he became one of the founding members of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance  ( composed of 5 national/international critical care experts that devised a COVID-19 treatment protocol called MATH+ and he also served as an emergency volunteer during the early COVID-19 pandemic in New York City, NY where he spent 6 weeks attending the main COVID-19 ICU at Mount Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center.

Twitter thread (includes questions from viewers):


Rough transcript of video above:


Dr Pierre Kory discusses his earlier paper about "organizing pneumonia" to understand what most consider a "viral pneumonia".

As he has explained in that paper - this is actually more like inflammatory response to earlier viral presence or lung injury.

9:10 minute mark

Dr Kory explains, his co-author Dr Jeffrey P Kanne had written an even earlier paper in March 2020 in the Journal of Radiology. But that message didnt get out - even to many pulmonlogists.

Organizing pneumonia - not an infection a pattern of inflammation or lung injury - where fibroblasts etc fill the alveolar ducts, then they creates a collagen-like material fills those spaces - creates barrier that impairs oxygen exchange.

Lot of things causes it. Viruses can cause it. In prior SARS1 - in 30-60percent and more patients they foundorganizing pneumonia in biopsies.

In covid19, is almost all organizing pneumonia.

ground glass opacities

13:15 - happy hypoxia reminded him of his organizing pneumonia patients from before - so made the connection

14:30 - slide has March 2013 date - should correct that to 2020. CTs out of Wuhan nearly all show organizing pneumonia.

Dr Kory tried to publish a paper in 6 journals - and Chest reviewer came back that will only publish if show in randomized trial that steroids helped these patients - to consider Dr Kory's thesis that is organizing pneumonia.

15:50 - really only one treatment for organizing pneumonia - steroids.

Other is to remove the offending agent (remove viral debris which is causing the irritation).

22:20 - dexamethasone vs methylprednisolone

27:30 - on the BIRD panel meeting (Dr Tess Lawrie in the UK)

at the 29:20 minute mark:

Dr Aguirre Chang (Argentina) "Therapeutic Test" for long haulers

42:58 - Peru data (Chamie, Hibbert, Scheim paper)

45:40 - Mexico City data (analyzed by Juan Chamie)

47:00 - Infectious Disease Society of America - advocating against ivermectin (even worse than NIH reversed stance now of neutral) at the same time it showing good results in Peru

47:30 - publication bias (negative studies less likely to be published, while positive ones are more enthusiastically published)

48:12 - Dr Andrew Hill found no indication of publication bias (which is curtailed if publications register on ahead of time)

at the 56:20 minute mark:

Dr Pierre Kory discusses the Uttar Pradesh, India demographic data.

58:35 - rising ivermectin prescriptions in the US

1:03:00 - hospitals in the US using ivermectin

1:06:00 - question and answer session


This is a very important video for ICU and hospital staff because of the guidance he gives about steroids.
