machinelearny | 15 points
Great post about available treatment options
Good article written in plain English. A long read.
A lot if emphasis on Fluvoxamine.
Check out Steve Kirsch's twitter page. He has been hot on advocating Fluvoxamine. Not a word, not even a mention, about Ivermectin throughout. Strange, if he is so benevolent in wanting treatment, not just vaccines. Hmmm makes me wonder about his interests.
[-] machinelearny | 1 points
Can anybody recommend a good reddit sub for early treatment in general?
[-] Haitchpeasauce | 3 points | Feb 26 2021 11:05:35
The evidence for Fluvoxamine is good. I don't care much for his comments about the confounders for Ivermectin studies. IVM is confounded by its very nature as an antiparasitic used in poorer countries, with some researchers doing a bad job at the timing and dosing and writing poor papers. To me the mechanisms are as clear and potent as Fluvoxamine. If a well run study was conducted for Ivermectin in the States we wouldn't have this problem. There was no problem getting a recommendation for Remdesivir and Dexamethasone with much weaker signal. At this point not recommending Ivermectin is pretty much inexcusable.
[-] machinelearny | 3 points | Feb 26 2021 11:26:24
I agree completely, the main point however is that there are so many effective and most importantly EXTREMELY SAFE treatments out there, it is completely incomprehensible that none of the top health institutions are recommending their use.
Take your pick of Vit.D, Melatonin, IVM, Fluvoxamine, zinc, etc. etc.
Just DO NOT TAKE REMDESIVIR unless you really have to (?? not sure when that would be??), since it is NOT A SAFE DRUG.
[-] Haitchpeasauce | 5 points | Feb 26 2021 11:50:48
Ivermectin is the clear winner as a starting intervention due to its safety and tolerance margin. People getting excited about Fluvoxamine must remember it's an SSRI and the dosage has to be managed carefully to avoid any neurological impacts.
I just recovered from a nasty cold/flu and I had upped my supplements, but the game changer was Ivermectin.
The US alone now has over 520,000 deaths. Let's say Ivermectin's reduction in mortality ranged from 50-80%. If Ivermectin were used straight away that would be 260,000-416,000 people who wouldn't be dead today from to COVID-19, and more spared of chronic illness and injury.
[-] machinelearny | 3 points | Feb 26 2021 11:29:37
When talking about things that probably make more Risk Benefit sense than Remdesivir, you can probably add Propolis and Tumeric (curcumin) to the list, some proof they work (quite good for propolis) and very low risk.