Doc-Crentist | 9 points | Feb 26 2021 00:04:08

Updates MonashU data needs to be published

After reading several articles, watching video clips, etc, one of the core arguments against ivermectin is the initial levels needed to be antiviral in Monash’s research would be toxic. The research was done in monkey kidney cells and not lung cells.

Since then, the FLCCC and others are saying that the Monash team have updated data for Calu3 cells, showing that ivermectin can be a good antiviral with regular safe dosing.

Why having the Monash researchers published this information? It seems critical to disarm skeptics and add to the valuable studies that are being done across the world.


[-] Haitchpeasauce | 4 points | Feb 26 2021 02:44:54

I have not seen any published data about this.

It's not as critical as you think. The Vero cell study is not valid for dosing. Patient studies show dose dependent efficacy starting at 0.2mg/kg when given over days.

All the objections are just foot dragging and moving goalposts.


[-] Doc-Crentist | 1 points | Feb 26 2021 02:50:56

Okay. It just seems like it could take away one of the main arguments used against it. We have proof in the studies and this would take away another arm of the argument.


[-] Doc-Crentist | 1 points | Feb 26 2021 00:05:19

I can’t type on my phone sorry for the mistakes etc
