Doc-Crentist | 20 points
February is almost overThe spelling of Colombia here is triggering me.
[-] Doc-Crentist | 3 points
Really really interested in the results from Zoni-,
[-] Ayylien666 | 3 points
This could fall into the path of the Kirti trial in terms of having too low dosing regimen & not enough treatment days. Not highly optimistic about the protocol, but it is fairly well powered, so a small benefit ought to be detected.
[-] thecomfortstation | 6 points | Feb 23 2021 10:57:13
I don't think this will ever be approved. There is enough information already for Doctors to use it with the approval of their patients, I can only assume it will stay that way. This tragic push for vaccines that are only partially effective against mutations seems to be purely to make a profit out of a crisis whereas Ivermectin would have simply made it go away to a great extent.