stereomatch | 31 points
Marlin's Story - Paul Marik youtube channel - case story of recovery (2021-02-21)[-] lovethebigones | 3 points
Love this!!!
[-] BernieTheDachshund | 3 points
I can't say enough good things about Ivermectin! It literally saves people's lives!!!
[-] lemallette | 3 points
Sometimes in Medicine, a single "case" can prove a concept, after which it would take months and millions to re-prove the concept with a randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind study.
The first US patient to be treated with penicillin (actually during my lifetime, it was that recent), had streptococcal sepsis, going rapidly downhill, massive weight loss, too weak to stand, high fevers. She was not expected to survive the night. After the IV penicillin, the fever was rapidly gone, blood pressure increased, and the next day she was actually up walking with a huge appetite. This rapid recovery had never happened in any previous case of strep sepsis. To this day, we still don't have a randomized study to show that penicillin works for strep sepsis. We don't need it.
This case for ivermectin is almost as strong. The hospital had never seen a patient survive after being on a ventilator, much less be well enough in 4 days to be discharged home..
[-] stereomatch | 4 points
I have seen partial reversal of taste/smell within 24 hours of starting ivermectin in 5 people (just ivermectin for 4, and ivermectin + famotidine in 1 - which makes me think ivermectin does do something). I would estimate this may be seen in 25pct of cases. And these were cases with taste/smell loss that was persisting from a few days prior that - so the timing was quite interesting.
[-] piginapokie | 2 points
This is a fascinating post. I am keen to look deeply into this.
It's pointing out the impracticality of "replicable" studies.
The opposite of this is that practical trials have a very low bar for success ie. that a vaccine just minimised symptoms in a population that are cherry picked that they aren't in the high risk part of the population.
[-] stereomatch | 4 points | Feb 21 2021 13:26:12
2:00 minute mark:
Patient's daughter asked the doctor at their hospital "if this was your Dad, would you give him ivermectin - he said 'Yes'"
What is implicit in the story is that it was the daughter's research - and her awareness of Dr Pierre Kory's testimony in the Senate - that prompted her to somehow get ivermectin administered to the patient at their hospital.
EDIT: while in this particular case, ivermectin may have made a difference for patients in the ICU, and studies have confirmed there to be a benefit of ivermectin use for ICU stage patients, that may not always be the case for every ICU patient.
[-] lemallette | 2 points | Feb 22 2021 04:00:46
Indeed, the earlier any anti-infective is given for any infectious disease, the more likely the success.
For some Covid-19 patients in ICU the drug may come too late, even if given with all the other things shown to have effectiveness: methylprednisolone, vitamin D3 daily, colcicine, RLF-100 (aviptadil), high dose IV vitamin C.
Ivermectin should have been given, of course, at the onset of symptoms. If not then, upon admission to hospital.
[-] stereomatch | 1 points | Feb 21 2021 13:29:51
2:00 minute mark:
Patient's daughter asked the doctor at their hospital "if this was your Dad, would you give him ivermectin - he said 'Yes'"
What is implicit in the story is that it was the daughter's research - and her awareness of Dr Pierre Kory's testimony in the Senate - that prompted her to somehow get ivermectin administered to the patient at their hospital.