Updated: Ivermectin Mechanism of Action (MOA)
Jan 26, 2021
Whiteboard Doctor has a few videos explaining the 4 theorized ways Ivermectin maybe showing efficacy in COVID-19:
Ivermectin Inhibits A Critical SARS-CoV-2 Protease In COVID-19? New Study In The Journal Nature!
Jan 26, 2021
Whiteboard Doctor
There have been quite a large number of clinical studies on Ivermectin in the treatment/prevention of COVID-19 and the NIH recently eliminated their recommendation against its use in COVID-19! One question has remained though, how might it work in COVID-19? We have covered a multitude of potential mechanisms (linked in the Ivermectin and COVID-19 playlist below!) that have been theorized. This new study, published in Nature, has identified another potential mechanism. Inhibition of the SARS-CoV-2 3-Chymotrypsin-like Protease (3CL-pro), a critical enzyme in the replication cycle of SARS-CoV-2. We illustrate what this enzyme is, how it works, and how it plays a role in the lifecycle of the virus causing COVID-19. We then dive into the paper discussing concentrations of Ivermectin used and future directions. Check out the video for all this and more!
Ivermectin And COVID-19: How Is It Proposed To Work? Review Of All Theorized Mechanisms Of Action.
Nov 2, 2020
Whiteboard Doctor
In this video we will discuss Ivermectin and it's proposed efficacy for both prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19. We will focus in this video on reviewing the proposed, theorized, and studied mechanisms of action to date. The IMP alpha/beta pathway, the direct inhibition of the viral RNA dependent RNA Polymerase, CD147 Receptor inhibition, and STAT3 pathway manipulation. We will discuss how these mechanisms of action relate to the study findings including the potential efficacy for prophylaxis, post-exposure prophylaxis, early mild disease, and late severe disease. Check out the video for all the details! We have covered these mechanisms in depth in a number of previous videos, which are linked below if you are interested in more information!
Ivermectin May Prevent Binding Of The SARS-CoV-2 Virus To Human Cells: Treatment/Prevention COVID-19
Dec 3, 2020
Whiteboard Doctor
In this video we will dive into a study that explores a new possible mechanism by which Ivermectin may prevent or treat COVID-19. We will start by reviewing the possible mechanisms of action of Ivermectin including the Imp alpha/beta pathway, viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase pathway, STAT3 pathway, and CD147 pathway. We will then get into the study. This was a computerized docking study that utilized crystal structures of Ivermectin, the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein, and the human ACE2 Receptor. They ran simulations and found that Ivermectin binds to both the Spike protein receptor binding domain (RBD) and ACE2 Receptor. Could this be a new mechanism by which Ivermectin may prevent or treat COVID-19? Check out the video for all the details!
Ivermectin And Decreased Inflammation In COVID-19 [Immunosuppression In Inflammatory Phase COVID-19]
Dec 30, 2020
Whiteboard Doctor
Ivermectin has been studied in late stage/severe COVID-19 in at least 2 studies with positive results. Previous studies on Ivermectin though primarily focused on it's potential anti-viral activity, which would not explain why this medication may work during the inflammatory phase of COVID-19. Here, will we discuss research done previously showing Ivermectin may have some immunosuppressive effects that may decrease inflammatory phase of COVID-19. Ivermectin was studied over the previous 2 decades for it's role in the immune system. Specifically, researchers have found that Ivermectin seems to inhibit the hyper-inflammatory response that can be seen after exposure to certain bacterial antigens/parts called lipopolysaccharides. They found that Ivermectin significantly decreased mortality in mice with down-regulation of cytokine release, inhibition of cytokine production, and decreased stimulation of the adaptive immune response. Could this be happening in late stage COVID-19 treated with Ivermectin in these studies? Check out the video for a discussion on all of this and more!
45 Clinical Trials On Ivermectin And COVID-19, Let's Take A Look! Find New/Ongoing Clinical Trials!
Dec 21, 2020
Whiteboard Doctor
In this video we are going to discuss one of the ways in which we identify, follow, and keep track of ongoing clinical trials. We will show you all how you can do this on your own! Specifically, we will use this to look at 45 registered trials pertaining to Ivermectin and COVID-19. This resource can categorize trials by dates, countries, type of study, timeline of therapy, combination versus solo treatment, dosing, and more! In the latter portion of the video we will take a look at these 45 trials on Ivermectin and COVID-19 covering all of these different categories. We will discuss what trials we have already covered on the channel, what trials are coming up soon, and which of these trials we are looking forward to most. This will range from trials on preventative Ivermectin to early outpatient treatment to late treatment, varying dosing trials, and much more. Check out the video for all these details and more! ***Apologies, looks like the last two minutes were corrupted and thus the video cuts off early.
The Evidence Behind Ivermectin And COVID-19: 18 Studies From April 2020 to January 2021.
Jan 9, 2021
Whiteboard Doctor
Here we will review 18 studies on Ivermectin and COVID-19, the results, and the dates in which they were published. Come along to better understand this medication and the evidence behind it! We have started to see Ivermectin creeping into some of the more central medical YouTube channels, podcasts, and blogs the last few weeks. Here at WhiteBoard Doctor, we have been diving into these studies since April while we tried not to miss a beat! We decided it was time to take a good chunk of the literature we have covered on Ivermectin and COVID-19 and review it in the order in which it was published. We felt that this would give people a better idea of the evidence behind Ivermectin and the timeline in which this medication has been studied for COVID-19.
[-] stereomatch | 1 points | Feb 19 2021 08:12:25
This video: Ivermectin Mechanism of Action Feb 19, 2021
this is on Dr Been's new channel: Mobeen Syed
Earlier video:
Dr Been Updated: Ivermectin Mechanism of Action (MOA) (US 2021-01-25) Youtube: 25 minutes Updated: Ivermectin Mechanism of Action (MOA) Jan 26, 2021
Whiteboard Doctor has a few videos explaining the 4 theorized ways Ivermectin maybe showing efficacy in COVID-19: Ivermectin Inhibits A Critical SARS-CoV-2 Protease In COVID-19? New Study In The Journal Nature!
Jan 26, 2021
Whiteboard Doctor
There have been quite a large number of clinical studies on Ivermectin in the treatment/prevention of COVID-19 and the NIH recently eliminated their recommendation against its use in COVID-19! One question has remained though, how might it work in COVID-19? We have covered a multitude of potential mechanisms (linked in the Ivermectin and COVID-19 playlist below!) that have been theorized. This new study, published in Nature, has identified another potential mechanism. Inhibition of the SARS-CoV-2 3-Chymotrypsin-like Protease (3CL-pro), a critical enzyme in the replication cycle of SARS-CoV-2. We illustrate what this enzyme is, how it works, and how it plays a role in the lifecycle of the virus causing COVID-19. We then dive into the paper discussing concentrations of Ivermectin used and future directions. Check out the video for all this and more! Ivermectin And COVID-19: How Is It Proposed To Work? Review Of All Theorized Mechanisms Of Action.
Nov 2, 2020
Whiteboard Doctor
In this video we will discuss Ivermectin and it's proposed efficacy for both prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19. We will focus in this video on reviewing the proposed, theorized, and studied mechanisms of action to date. The IMP alpha/beta pathway, the direct inhibition of the viral RNA dependent RNA Polymerase, CD147 Receptor inhibition, and STAT3 pathway manipulation. We will discuss how these mechanisms of action relate to the study findings including the potential efficacy for prophylaxis, post-exposure prophylaxis, early mild disease, and late severe disease. Check out the video for all the details! We have covered these mechanisms in depth in a number of previous videos, which are linked below if you are interested in more information! Ivermectin May Prevent Binding Of The SARS-CoV-2 Virus To Human Cells: Treatment/Prevention COVID-19
Dec 3, 2020
Whiteboard Doctor
In this video we will dive into a study that explores a new possible mechanism by which Ivermectin may prevent or treat COVID-19. We will start by reviewing the possible mechanisms of action of Ivermectin including the Imp alpha/beta pathway, viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase pathway, STAT3 pathway, and CD147 pathway. We will then get into the study. This was a computerized docking study that utilized crystal structures of Ivermectin, the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein, and the human ACE2 Receptor. They ran simulations and found that Ivermectin binds to both the Spike protein receptor binding domain (RBD) and ACE2 Receptor. Could this be a new mechanism by which Ivermectin may prevent or treat COVID-19? Check out the video for all the details! Ivermectin And Decreased Inflammation In COVID-19 [Immunosuppression In Inflammatory Phase COVID-19]
Dec 30, 2020
Whiteboard Doctor
Ivermectin has been studied in late stage/severe COVID-19 in at least 2 studies with positive results. Previous studies on Ivermectin though primarily focused on it's potential anti-viral activity, which would not explain why this medication may work during the inflammatory phase of COVID-19. Here, will we discuss research done previously showing Ivermectin may have some immunosuppressive effects that may decrease inflammatory phase of COVID-19. Ivermectin was studied over the previous 2 decades for it's role in the immune system. Specifically, researchers have found that Ivermectin seems to inhibit the hyper-inflammatory response that can be seen after exposure to certain bacterial antigens/parts called lipopolysaccharides. They found that Ivermectin significantly decreased mortality in mice with down-regulation of cytokine release, inhibition of cytokine production, and decreased stimulation of the adaptive immune response. Could this be happening in late stage COVID-19 treated with Ivermectin in these studies? Check out the video for a discussion on all of this and more! 45 Clinical Trials On Ivermectin And COVID-19, Let's Take A Look! Find New/Ongoing Clinical Trials!
Dec 21, 2020
Whiteboard Doctor
In this video we are going to discuss one of the ways in which we identify, follow, and keep track of ongoing clinical trials. We will show you all how you can do this on your own! Specifically, we will use this to look at 45 registered trials pertaining to Ivermectin and COVID-19. This resource can categorize trials by dates, countries, type of study, timeline of therapy, combination versus solo treatment, dosing, and more! In the latter portion of the video we will take a look at these 45 trials on Ivermectin and COVID-19 covering all of these different categories. We will discuss what trials we have already covered on the channel, what trials are coming up soon, and which of these trials we are looking forward to most. This will range from trials on preventative Ivermectin to early outpatient treatment to late treatment, varying dosing trials, and much more. Check out the video for all these details and more! ***Apologies, looks like the last two minutes were corrupted and thus the video cuts off early. The Evidence Behind Ivermectin And COVID-19: 18 Studies From April 2020 to January 2021.
Jan 9, 2021
Whiteboard Doctor
Here we will review 18 studies on Ivermectin and COVID-19, the results, and the dates in which they were published. Come along to better understand this medication and the evidence behind it! We have started to see Ivermectin creeping into some of the more central medical YouTube channels, podcasts, and blogs the last few weeks. Here at WhiteBoard Doctor, we have been diving into these studies since April while we tried not to miss a beat! We decided it was time to take a good chunk of the literature we have covered on Ivermectin and COVID-19 and review it in the order in which it was published. We felt that this would give people a better idea of the evidence behind Ivermectin and the timeline in which this medication has been studied for COVID-19.