john133435 | 16 points | Feb 19 2021 05:14:50

Bill and Melinda Gates Fund Ivermectin and Fluvoxamine clinical trials


[-] RedditIsPoisonTrash | 7 points | Feb 19 2021 05:46:08

I’m sure gates who has big money in the vaccine will do honest and fair trials.


[-] Storm_Raider_007 | 6 points | Feb 19 2021 06:37:19

Naturally, I am sure.


[-] bitregister | 3 points | Feb 19 2021 07:06:51

One dose, sure of this.


[-] dogrescuersometimes | 3 points | Feb 19 2021 12:58:07

Day 1 Day 3 Every 2 weeks thereafter

You will not get sick.


[-] traveler19395 | 1 points | Feb 19 2021 08:03:11

Show me any evidence that Bill Gates stands to profit from vaccines. He has donated literally billions of dollars towards vaccines, show me where he recoups any of that money, let alone all of it with a profit.


[-] RedditIsPoisonTrash | 2 points | Feb 19 2021 08:06:20



[-] traveler19395 | -1 points | Feb 19 2021 10:23:06

show me.


[-] Besensiblewouldya | 2 points | Feb 19 2021 12:27:10

Your on a hiding to nothing there traveller


[-] dogrescuersometimes | 2 points | Feb 19 2021 12:56:36

It's not about money.

It's about population control

There are videos of him saying this that he's had his minions seek out and destroy

I've a friend who had these videos on his computer.

He was strategically hacked, they were deleted.

When he went online he'd found he could not download them again as they'd been wiped from the internet.

So when you say show me, I say "Hi, Bill, you're still evil "


[-] inspirekc | 2 points | Feb 19 2021 15:15:41


[-] traveler19395 | 0 points | Feb 20 2021 01:20:53

Video link is dead and I’m sorry if I won’t consider a headline from “Thought Crime Radio” authoritative (especially with a post also tagged with 5G 😂).

Show me that quote please. I have seen zero evidence that he makes money off vaccines, but happy to be shown. If he was talking of a 20:1 return on a vaccine he likely means that for every dollar spent on the vaccine it saves $20 in future healthcare needs for those individuals and communities. But show me if I’m wrong.


[-] inspirekc | 1 points | Feb 20 2021 09:42:20

“Show me any evidence...” also “sorry I won’t consider a headline”


[-] traveler19395 | 1 points | Feb 20 2021 13:06:00

You consider a headline with a dead video evidence????


[-] traveler19395 | 1 points | Feb 20 2021 13:11:52

Here, I’ll do the simple research for you, here’s Bill describing the “20:1 return”:

Start at 1:40 if you want to get straight to that quote. He explains it exactly as I suspected; the money goes out as grants, will not come back directly, but it has a 20:1 return in helping impoverished communities! In other words Bill puts in $1 and the community is reaping a $20 benefit, Bill still loses his $1.


[-] Nannibel | 2 points | Feb 19 2021 15:46:29

I read this week that he's bought a huge amount of the farmland in the US. He's heavily invested in GMO crops. He has been seen talking about overpopulation for years. Is this just a coincidence that he held a meeting to discuss the next pandemic a couple months before the pandemic.


[-] traveler19395 | 1 points | Feb 20 2021 01:46:30

Post that link about farmland.

Of course he’s talked about overpopulation, it goes hand in hand with pandemics and climate crisis, which are his biggest talking points of the past 5+ years.

Holding a meeting to discuss the next big pandemic is also routine behavior for him. He gave that Ted Talk about coming pandemics like 5-6 years ago.

You have brought no relevant facts or evidence to this discussion.


[-] inspirekc | 1 points | Feb 19 2021 15:12:35

There is video of him being interviewed bragging about a 20-1 return on investing in vaccines.


[-] Joey1849 | 1 points | Feb 20 2021 05:43:24

The point is Gates is being an angle investor. His FOUNDATION is giving early money to startups as an angle investor.

The FOUNDATION is looking for a high payoff interms of an innovative concept the will have a high impact on health in the third world. The 20:1 is not for him personally.

The is no guarantee that any of his early angle investments will work out.

He has advocated for years for low cost, easy to administer vaccines for the third world. No news there even before covid.


[-] traveler19395 | 0 points | Feb 20 2021 01:40:37

Show me. It sounds like the kind of statement I’ve heard him and health professionals make about $1 spent on vaccination saves $20 in future healthcare expenses for the individual and communities.

Show me where he talks about him making any money from vaccines, or any evidence of investment structures where his billions of dollars donated will actually come back to him from vaccines.


[-] dogrescuersometimes | 3 points | Feb 19 2021 13:02:30

Bill can't just test iver or come out pushing for its emergency use.

No, he has to mix it with a non starter in order to water down the inevitably excellent results.

Bill I know your minions read these forums and you're still an evil soul.


[-] Doc-Crentist | 1 points | Feb 20 2021 02:44:33

Fluvoxamine is no non starter friend


[-] Joey1849 | 1 points | Feb 20 2021 05:19:09

Fluvoxamine is legit in its own right and may turn out to be more effective


[-] dogrescuersometimes | 2 points | Feb 19 2021 13:00:10

Meanwhile Bill is strategizing how to


[-] traveler19395 | 2 points | Feb 20 2021 01:31:11

If anything I would say you are the one sabotaging IVM by associating it with conspiratorial bullshit.


[-] dogrescuersometimes | 2 points | Feb 20 2021 02:53:06

Parallel Gates


[-] traveler19395 | 1 points | Feb 20 2021 05:40:46

Exactly, he’s fully aware he is throwing away huge amounts of money on vaccines, because speed is important when the pandemic is already upon us.


[-] dogrescuersometimes | 1 points | Feb 20 2021 02:42:40

So your position is that conspiracies are bullshit

At no point in human history have two or more people colluded to commit illegal and immoral acts.

Good luck with that


[-] traveler19395 | 1 points | Feb 20 2021 05:38:24

Many are BS, some are not. Yours about Bill Gates are totally without evidence. Please, prove me wrong.


[-] dogrescuersometimes | 1 points | Feb 20 2021 05:47:18

Nah, you go ahead with your belief system, I'll go ahead with mine.


[-] stereomatch | 1 points | Feb 19 2021 08:55:13

This has already been posted earlier at: Bill and Melinda Gates Fund Global Ivermectin & Fluvoxamine Clinical Trial Targeting COVID-19: Together COVID-19 Trial


[-] Benmm1 | 1 points | Feb 19 2021 16:15:10

Interested to see how this plays out. After seeing the efforts to fudge HCQ trials its hard to imagine that a drug as effective as IVM will not see similar treatment. At the same time the data is so positive it would be a huge risk to repeat the same tricks.
