mekikichee | 29 points
Ivermectin used in Ontario[-] Spallumcheen | 3 points
At last, some attention in Canada. Thanks to Dr. Bernstein and The Suburban. I have written and emailed Dr. Tam and every provincial medical health officer, without reply (except from BC Ministry of Health just yesterday, to be told the BCCDC is looking into it). It would be good for all concerned Canadians to ask their doctors for a prescription. I did and was put off - told ivermectin supply is a problem. One friend did get it from her doctor, another was refused by hers; a doctor friend is taking it. It‘s legal off-label as far as I know. Canada makes huge amounts of excellent veterinary ivermectin; our government could get human supply going easily. If WHO approves soon, we may still need pressure from patients and their doctors requesting it, to push the government to solve supply issue.
[-] 1joe2schmo | 3 points
Thank you for following the science, FLCCC and Dr. Bernstein!!!
I have personally written to MP's, MPP's, Mayors, etc.
Their lack of response has been contemptible.
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
[-] stereomatch | 7 points | Feb 17 2021 18:50:08
Good article.
Bernstein and many other doctors are extremely troubled as to why doctors are not prescribing Ivermectin. “It simply is not good enough to advise infected persons to go home, isolate, wash their hands, and if they get worse, go to the hospital. With the information now widely available, we need to do better as a country and manage this disease better using therapeutics that have been deemed safe and effective,” says Bernstein.
He has been prescribing Ivermectin, “off-label” as per the FLCCC I-MASK Protocol to several of his higher risk symptomatic Covid-19 patients, and the results have been dramatic. The pioneers of Ivermectin use for Covid-19 are Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Pierre Kory founding members of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) along with Dr. Andrew Hill, researcher, and consultant to the World Health Organization (WHO). Their evidence was presented before the NIH Treatment Guidelines Panel and is now listed as a viable treatment option. Baffling for some doctors is why Ivermectin is not considered more often in this emergency. Kory, an ICU doctor, says by the time patients reach him they are dying of lung failure. The most devastating part is that these patients were healthy, vibrant members of society. “Ivermectin has the most profound evidence base of efficacy which in my opinion rivals that of penicillin in bacterial infections of the ‘40s. Yet, in 2021 almost no one in the health care system can recognize that, and that is the most illustrative example of mass delusion in the system, and I have no idea how to solve it.” Advocating for patients is a daily practice for Bernstein as well. It is also the reason he went above and beyond by writing an email to Canada’s public health director Dr. Theresa Tam, to ask what more “sufficient evidence” is required for Canada to recommend Ivermectin as a standard first line therapy. He has yet to receive a response.