reenboe | 7 points | Feb 15 2021 15:47:22

Ivermectin and Statins

I have been doing the current FLCCC prophylactic protocol minus the Melatonin because it makes me too groggy during the day as I have NO trouble sleeping naturally. This is kind of a long shot but I was wondering if anyone is taking Ivermectin that has also been taking a statin. It seems that there is an interaction caution with respect to all statins in combination with Ivermectin, so I discontinued my statin until I can get the vaccine. I am 5 months away from turning 65, so I could be waiting until summer and I feel that maximizing Covid preventative measures is probably more critical than not taking a Lipitor break. I’m just curious if there is anyone else dealing with this and how you’re handling it.


[-] stereomatch | 4 points | Feb 15 2021 16:09:30

Firstly statins themselves have antioxidant impact - as mentioned by Dr Paul Marik if I recall correctly from interview on a Dr Been video, or perhaps it is in the MATH+ pdf maybe.

But statins have anti-inflammatory impact.

In addition you need it for your regular management - and you cannot postpone that esp if you going to be postponing statins indefinitely just because you happen to be taking ivermectin.


I have updated my answer with a caution to consult with your physician.

The problem is many doctors will not have first hand knowledge of statins and ivermectin, unless they are actively treating with ivermectin and have experience. However your physician will have personal knowledge of your situation and if there are any special conditions to be wary of and can advise you accordingly.

Since the MATH+ team are ICU physicians who have extensive exposure to use of ivermectin, here is a reference from page 1 of MATH+ protocol PDF that mentions use of statins as part of their protocol:

English PDF:

Atorvastatin ICU Patients 80 mg PO daily Until discharge

(PO means per oral ie tablets)

So even in the MATH+ protocol they are giving statins to their patients.

You can make your own decisions based on this, and if possible ask your physician.

EDIT: here is a Dr Been video on statins and COVID-19: Statins

at the 30:40 minute mark it covers statins

And this video by Whiteboard Doctor:

Statins And COVID-19: Decreased Mortality, ICU Admission, Mechanical Ventilation, ARDS. Jul 28, 2020 Whiteboard Doctor

WhiteBoard style discussion on an article published looking at more than 10,000 patients with COVID-19 and comparing those taking a statin versus those not taking a statin. They found a decreased all cause 28 day mortality, decreased ICU admission, decreased mechanical ventilation, and decreased incidence of acute respiratory distress syndrome in those taking statins. They took it a step further looking at those taking statins plus an ACE inhibitor or angiotensin receptor blocker versus those taking statins without an ACEI or ARB and found no difference implying not negative or positive effect from the ACEI or ARB. Check out the video to better understand how statins may affect COVID-19 mortality!

And this a video by Dr John Campbell on statins and anti-inflammatory effect from around the same time: COVID - 19, Statins and other probable treatments

Jun 27, 2020

Dr. John Campbell

Therapeutics Use of statins is associated with a reduced risk of mortality among individuals with COVID-19 (Cell metabolism, 24 June)​

Paper: In-Hospital Use of Statins Is Associated with a Reduced Risk of Mortality among Individuals with COVID-19 June 24, 2020

Statins are lipid-lowering therapeutics Anti-inflammatory effects Proposed as an adjunct therapy for COVID-19 Retrospective study N = 13,981 patients with COVID-19 1,219 received statins 28-day all-cause mortality Statins group = 5.2% Non-statin group = 9.4% Hazard ratio 0.58 Imply potential benefits of statin therapy in hospitalized subjects with COVID-19 No indications of increased risk using statins Many potential confounding factors Need prospective studies Need randomized controlled trials

Now to examine what exactly is the concern with ivermectin and statins interactions and whether it can be managed.

From the interaction info:

The risk or severity of myopathy, rhabdomyolysis, and myoglobinuria can be increased when Ivermectin is combined with Atorvastatin.

Sometimes these warnings are based on a single case - so you will have to research if in practice it is a real risk, given there is risk in not taking statins, and some in not taking ivermectin.

This is a question you may consider asking on one of Dr Been's live question and answer sessions on YouTube.


[-] reenboe | 4 points | Feb 15 2021 16:49:03

Thank you very much Stereomatch. That’s really valuable information and I greatly appreciate your taking the time to provide me with it. I’m going to resume my statin.


[-] Sokrjrk12 | 3 points | Feb 15 2021 18:21:15

Hang on this is dangerous. Don't take medical advice from someone who is not a licensed physician. There is certainly a risk of drug-drug interaction, but in order to make an informed recommendation someone would need to understand your personal situation such as your baseline hepatic and renal function as well as your baseline cholesterol levels and other pre-existing conditions. Please consult your primary care physician for guidance!


[-] rondi7 | 2 points | Feb 16 2021 00:58:13

How do you know stereomatch is not a PCP or licensed--You assume him not to be. The OP has already violated your "don't take advice". I do not believe the OP would be here if his PCP wrote a script for IVM. I doubt his PCP would answer any question regarding IVM if he didn't prescribe it. He like most sheepels DRs today just follow the numb heads in DC.


[-] Sokrjrk12 | 2 points | Feb 16 2021 02:36:49

I'm just trying to not get this subreddit banned. I feel like seeking/providing advice like this risks violating site rules.


[-] stereomatch | 1 points | Feb 20 2021 03:39:24

Thanks. I had asked him to double check in one of the live sessions of Dr Been on YouTube.

I have now added an additional section to my answer, and also updated the OP with this comment:


[-] dogrescuersometimes | 1 points | Feb 16 2021 02:29:15

Lol true. I have very strong, valid opinions about statins.

I'm sure they're valid because I've read doctors' books and lived through someone I love choosing between statins and having a life worth living.


[-] dogrescuersometimes | 1 points | Feb 16 2021 02:27:00

I understand your caution, I say this with respect, I'm not a medical person but I'm sure I've done much more research on ivermectin, for example, than my doctor has.

When someone asks a medical question on reddit they are by definition asking for a non MD's advice.


[-] stereomatch | 2 points | Feb 15 2021 17:22:32

I have added 2 more video links to the comment above.


[-] rondi7 | 5 points | Feb 16 2021 00:56:52

Thanks for all you do here stereomatch


[-] Adventurous_Fortune8 | 2 points | Feb 16 2021 00:57:07

You're welcome.


[-] tateTheMate2020 | 2 points | Feb 16 2021 21:10:42

I had a reaction combining crestor and high dose niacin with ivermectin. You are wise to exercise caution given how the liver metabolizes these drugs.
